January 22, 2016.

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Too Young

"You're killing me here, Alice." Michael groaned, throwing his head back. There was almost nothing to do, and she had plans.

"Too bad, Michael." Alice's voice sounded muffled through the speakerphone because his service sucked. "I've got many things to do."

"Can't you postpone?" Michael whined, "You're my friend."

"You're not my only friend, Michael." Alice rolled her eyes, but of course, she loved the attention. "Can't you call Josie or whatever her name is?"

"Jocelyn, Alice."

"Oh?" Alice smirked as she crossed the Marvin Road and basically skipped into the shopping mall, "Y'all are cute."

"I'm not doing this with you."

"Why do you get so upset when I bring her up?" Alice said into the phone, stopping her tracks immediately, "She's your girlfriend."

"She's not my fucking girlfriend, Alice. I've told you this so many god damn times before." Michael snapped, "You make this so fucking hard on me, I can't stand you sometimes."

"Then sit down," Alice rolled her eyes, then proceeded to shop. She picked up a loose, yellow blouse, examined it then grimaced. "Nobody told you to call me."

"You're right, but nobody told you were a shitty friend either." Michael sneered, blowing air through his nostrils.

"I'm hanging up now."

"Wait, I didn't mean that." Michael sighed, "I just like hanging out with you."

"I'll be home at four-thirty, after I run some errands." Alice smiled lightly, "You can come then."

"I'll see you at four-thirty, princess." Michael smirked to himself, images of Alice's heated face made him giggle.

"Don't call me princess." Alice mumbled.

"Aw," Michael cooed, "Is my little baby upset?"

"No, but your dearest Jocelyn will be."

"Piss off, Vincent." Michael barked into the phone, hissing when he heard Alice chuckle loudly. And with a short, "See you at five, dork." Alice was off shopping, and Michael was just home, questioning why the hell the clock went so slow.


When Michael came to Alice's dorm room with a bottle of Bundy, Alice's confused look almost on a uproar of laughter. She stopped him in his tracks before he could even step into the home, then she pointed at the bottle, "What's this for?"

"Since I'm the only one thinking reasonably, I thought we could play a game on this beautiful Sunday evening."

"Reasonably?" Alice's eyebrows dropped into a deep, steady confusion, "I don't think I want to be wasted with you."

"Fuck, it's not like I'm planning on murdering you." Michael scoffed as he pushed past her and into her dorm. "Not yet, at least."

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