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I go to my car and we meet up at the restaurant. My mom and my brother surprised me with balloons and the whole restaurant is reserved for us and the rest of the graduates. I see all my classmates and their families and we have a DJ and it's like the best thing to ever happen in a small town in Ohio.

We get to our table and then we order our food. I get the four cheese chicken fettuccini pasta dish. It looks so good and super delicious. We sat there for an hour eating and talking and it just felt like super normal. I just wish my dad were here to see me graduate though. He died when I was only 5 and I forget things about him as I grow older. He was like my best friend. I miss him all the time. But I'm sure he's looking down on me and he's super proud.

A tear escapes the corner of my eye and I try to wipe it before my mom sees it but it's too late. "Honey what's wrong. Are you thinking about daddy again?" She asks with a hint of worry in her voice. "Yeah. I am actually mom. I just wish he was here. I miss him so much!" I say as more tears escape. "I know sweetheart. But I know one thing for sure and it's that your father would be so proud of you and he's always here with you in your heart ok." She stands to come over to me and I just hug her. My brother comes over too and we just have a group hug moment happening.

We finish up and have the waitress package up our remainders. I have to get home so I can sleep and pack up for my trip to orientation in LA! I'm so excited for this and I can't wait to move.

But the thing is Nate and Drew are coming to LA too cause they are meeting with the rest of their band for the first time and I don't think I'm ready to let go of Nate yet. I just hope that with me going off to school will keep my mind off him.

I get in my car and head home. I walk up the stairs to my room and place my cap and gown at my desk with my diploma. I grab my phone and lay on my bed while kicking my shoes off. I text Maddie about the party tomorrow cause we're supposed to go shopping in the morning for outfits.

Me: hey Madz
Maddie: hey Eve. So we still on for tomorrow's shopping trip?
Me: yeah totes. We have to meet at like 12 cause the party's at 6.
Maddie: okay let's meet at the food court in the mall.
Me: sounds good. gn madz. See you tomorrow.

I plug my phone into its charger and change into my pajamas. After brushing my teeth I get into my bed and turn out the lights.

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