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So here we all were about to take the next steps in our lives and I was going all Googly eyes over Nathaniel Parker. I mean I know I've been in love with him for the longest time but truthfully we were going our separate ways. He's going on tour with his band and in going to photography school in LA.

To be honest I'm super excited and all but I'm gonna miss my best friends here in Ohio. But that's ok. I know I'm gonna make new and better friends at my new school.

Enough talk about me. We're graduating in less than two hours and we'll finally feel like adults. My mom and brother should be here soon as should all the other families and friends.

We start gathering up and lining up in our appropriate spots as the stadium begins to fill up with parents and friends and sound. I look around me and I can feel all the excitement from us all. I sneak one more look at Nate and he notices me looking. I blush and turn back around.

I definitely can't wait to get out of Ohio for a while but it will always be my home. I push all those thoughts out as I notice we are starting to move and file into the stadium.

My mind blanks out until the moment we get up to receive our diplomas! Then our principal starts calling out our names and I freeze when my name is called out. "Eve Alexandra" omg this is real I'm getting my diploma. I can vaguely hear my mom and brother shouting my name and I smile as I walk up the stairs. I shake my principal's hand and then the mayors hand as well. I go down the other end of the stage and pose for my mom.

I stumble to my seat and I tune out again until I hear "Madison Parker" and I applaud so hard and loud for my best friend and I can see her laughing and crying at the same time. She shakes everyone's hand and goes down the steps where she waits for her brother so that Mr and Mrs Parker can take a pic of both of them.

I see Nate walking up the stairs as his name is called and I clap again cause he is my best friends brother. Nate meets up with Madison and they both hug and pose with their diplomas for their parents and older brother. They walk back to their seats.

As soon as the last person is called Mrs. Turner calls for us to move our tassels and that we are now high school graduates. We all scream and throw our caps in the air. After that, we head out of the stadium and wait for our families to come out and celebrate with us. But the first person I went to see was Madison and we hugged and screamed and jumped. Then I spotted Nate with Drew and Maddie and I go over and we congratulate each other. I see Drew's sister Kacee and the parents come out. We take a bunch of pics and things and my mom and brother got me tons of presents and we take more pics and then we disperse. I tell Maddie that we'll hang out tonight.

Rest Your Love On Me (Nate Parker Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant