I let Selena walk in front of me so she could choose our seats. She ended up choosing the seats in the middle. The room wasn't full, but it wasn't empty either. I sat down and handed her the snacks she chose.

I stared at the screen and bit my lip anxiously. Selena noticed because she grabbed my arm gently, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine".

The movie finally started after five minutes of trailers and Selena squealed happily. I looked down at her and smiled, she was so beautiful.

Twenty minutes into the movie passed and I took a deep breath and texted my friend.

Go ahead, I'm ready.

I pressed send and then felt my phone buzz a few seconds after. I didn't bother to check because I knew what it said. A few seconds passed, and the screen went blank. Everybody started talking loudly and one even stood up and said, "Yo, fix this right now! I payed a lot for this shit".

I rolled my eyes and looked down at Selena to see her with a confused expression on her face. She looked up at me and groaned, "What the heck, it was getting to the good part".

I stared at the screen, until I saw words pop up with a picture of Selena and I. Everyone's head turned to the screen and awe'd loudly.

It read, Selena, would you like to be my girlfriend? - Justin

My heart thumped rapidly in my chest and I looked down at Selena. Her hands went to her mouth and she stared at me in shock, "Justin" She whispered and hugged me tightly after.

"Yes! I would love too" She said happily when she pulled away.

I sighed in relief, "Good, because then this would've been embarrassing" I chuckled and I quickly texted Brandon to put the movie on before the people got angry.

Selena grabbed my arm and looked at me, "Why didn't you just ask me? I mean, I appreciate all of this, but I would've said yes either way".

"You're not just anyone, you're special Selena. I would've asked, but I felt like making this special." I said, making sure I was quiet.

She grinned, and cupped my face, "I love you Justin", She said before leaning in and giving me a kiss on my lips.

"I love you more".

The whole movie passed by quickly. I wasn't even paying attention because I was to busy thinking about the girl next to me. The thought of her finally being mine made me so happy. Now I don't have to worry about other guys trying to be with her, because she has a boyfriend.

I was driving her home, and I smirked knowing tomorrow at school I was finally going to be holding her hand down the hall.

"What're you thinking about?" Selena broke me out of my thoughts and I looked at her, then back at the road.

"What do you mean?"

She smiled cutely, "You've been smiling to yourself for the past five minutes".

Oh nothing, just thinking about us, "I don't know, I must have been spacing out".

She nodded and tapped her fingers on her thigh.


Today was probably one of the best days of my life. No guy has ever done anything like that to me.

Justin literally went all out just to ask me to be his girlfriend. I would've even said yes if he asked me near a dumpster.

This made me love him even more. He told me I was special. No wonder he looked nervous to see Star Wars, and why his friend Brandon told me I would enjoy the movie.

He planned everything out, just for me.

I rolled my eyes at how blind I am. Justin parked his car in front of my house and unlocked the car doors.

"I had so much fun, and thank you for everything Justin" I said genuinely.

He shrugged casually, but that small smile on his lips ruined the whole "act cool" thing he was trying to do. I leaned in and kissed his lips gently, then pulled away. He looked surprised and I got out of the car, "I'll see you tomorrow" I said before shutting the door and walking towards my house.

I have no idea where all of that boldness came from, but I did not regret a thing. I opened the door and was surprised to see my mom in the kitchen. I looked at her and smiled widely, "What are you doing here so early?" I said, then walked up to her and gave her a tight hug.

She chuckled, "Well, I decided to take a break from work".

I stared at her and wondered if she was lying or not. I tilted my head and studied her face closely. She wasn't smiling or anything, like she usually does when she lies, so I grinned happily and hugged her again, "Oh my gosh!" I squealed happily.

"Ouch, Selena not too tight" She warned playfully.

I pulled away and she narrowed her eyes at me, "You seem way too happy, and I know for a fact it's not because of me, spill".

I sat down on the stool while she stirred whatever she was cooking and I sighed loudly, "Well I have a boyfriend now" I grinned and she raised both her eyebrows.

"Who is this boy" She asked nonchalantly, and I couldn't stop smiling. My mouth was actually hurting.

"Justin" I finally said happily.

She looked at me and smiled lightly, "Ever since I saw him come downstairs without a shirt, I've been worried if he was good or bad news, but I see that he makes you really happy, so I'll give him a chance".

My mouth opened slightly, "Wait really?" I honestly thought she was going to forbid me to be with him, but I was so glad she didn't.

When she nodded slowly, I stood up and gave her another of my famous hugs, "I love you so much mom".

She hugged back with one hand, "I love you too, and I really hope Justin doesn't break your heart".

Hi guys! It's a Monday & it's 11pm lol.


Anyways, I really really hope you liked this chapter! & if you did, give it a like or a comment.

I gotta go because it's late ahah! I love you all, & hope you have a great week!

- Jasmine

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