'Bored' (Sasuke x you)

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You sat inbetween your best friends Hinata and Naruto. You tried to convince Hinata to switch with you so that she could sit next to Naruto but she kept fainting whenever you asked.

You turned to Naruto with a mischievous grin, "Hey Naruto, wanna switch seats with me?"

He turned to you confused but shrugged, "Sure!" You couldn't help but smile wider as you turned to Hinata who stared at you wide eyed. You winked at her and got up to switch with Naruto.

' I am such a match-maker' you thought to yourself.

You looked around to see everybody sitting in a circle at Ino's house since it was her birthday. You didn't want to come but you were hoping to hang out with Sasuke since Ino said he would be there. She liked him too so she promised she would have him come. But so far, he hasn't shone. This made you pissed as you sent another dirty look to Ino. She would glance up and flinch under your gaze. The fact that you both liked him ruined your relationship, but so does the entire girl population in the village. So this prevented you from having girl friends, with the exception of Hinata of course.

You see Ino's eyes light up when she looked behind you. You turned around hoping it would be Sasuke. But when you turned to look at the person behind you the lights went out. All the girls yelled in fright and ran around franticly. You sighed not caring who was behind you anymore and turned back around.

Finally everyone calmed down and Ino jumped and said she had an idea. She ran out of the room and came back with a hat. You froze, hoping it wasn't going to be THAT game.

Thats when Ino yelled, "Lets play a game!" Everyone looked around confused, "what game?" You all said in sync.

"SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!" Ino screamed. Everyone sweat dropped, nobody wanted to play but it was Ino's party so it was her choice.

"In the dark?" You asked. "Well yea that way you can't see who's going to be in the closet with you." Ino replied with a resolved grin. You groaned inwardly because you still haven't had your first kiss and didn't feel like losing your oral virginity tonite. But, you didn't have a choice.

Ino had all the guys write one word on a piece of paper that would describe themselves and put it in the hat. "Who wants to go first?" She asked. No one raised their hand so she glanced at you and smirked.

"Hey (Y/N), you should go first," Ino said in a sickly sweet tone as she shoved the hat in your face. Everyone in the room snickered at your misfortune but you just shrugged. 'I'll just make sure I tell the guy I'm not doing anything, yea that will work' you thought will a smug smirk as you out your hand into the hat.

You glanced over at Hinata and Naruto looking at you with a smirk. 'Whats up with them' you thought as a bead of sweat dripped down your temple in worry because Hinate NEVER smirked.

You pulled out a piece of paper and it read 'Bored'. You gave it to Ino so she could shove whoever it was in the closet along with yourself. The closet door shut behind you and with a 'click' it was locked.

"Seven minutes you two!" Ino yelled through the door. You nodded but knew Ino wouldn't see. You relized even Ino didn't know who was in the closet with me she just pushed the person who stood up into the closet. You looked around the closet that was probaly the size of your bedroom, waiting for your eyes to adjust. 'Is this even a closet?' You thought.

You finally could see a figure leaning against the wall. "So who are you?" You said in an annoyed tone, trying to make the guy not want you. You heard the figure chuckle and a shiver ran down your spine in pleasure. 'No way.... it couldn't be him could it? I didn't even know he was here...' you thought almost having an anxiety attack. Your heart felt like it was going to burst.

The figure pushed off the wall and with every step he took toward you took one back. But you felt your back hit the wall and he chuckled again. The sound shook your soul as realization hit you, hard. He finally reached you and you could feel his warm breath spread across you face.

"S-sauke?" You squeaked as a blush made its way up your neck. 'Why is he like this? He doesn't like me...' you thought in mild wonder.

"Yea?" He said in a quiet monotone voice. You were surprised that he had taken a step closer to you when he answered.

"W-what are you doing?" you asked, your voice shaking. You gasped when he took a strand of your hair and twirled it inbetween his finger tips. He took one last step closer so that there was no longer any space between the both of you. You knew he he could feel the frantic beating of your heart through the bothersome clothes. You all of the sudden had the urg to push up against him but you serpressed it. You looked into his onyx eyes looking for any sign of emotion to answer your question.

"This..." and Sasuke leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. You blinked in surprise and didn't know what to do. His lips were warm compared to his cold attitude. You've never seen this side of Sasuke before and opened your mouth to tell him to stop but instead he let his tongue slide your mouth. You finally gave up and cautiously kissed him back, seeing how he would react. He smiled into your mouth and the kiss became more passionate, your tongues battling for control. But you both needed air so you pulled away, a string of saliva inbetween your mouths. Then he brought his lips to your neck and kissed it. Then nipped you colarbone in a playful manor. You moaned in response which made him kiss you yet again.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and your fingers laced into his silky hair. Then he picked you up and held your butt while you wrapped you legs around his waist. He pushed your bodies even closer together your back against the wall.

You were happy that Sasuke was showing emotions towards you that weren't negative, and it made butterflies bloom in your stomache. You pulled away from Sasuke,

"Is this a dream?" Sasuke smirked and leaned into your ear,

"Then I take it you've dreamed this before?" A blush made its way up to your face because you HAD dreamed it before. Sasuke bit your earlobe and you whined wanting more of him.

"I'll take that as a yes?" You nodded vigoriously and he chuckled. You were going to whine again but Sasuke had already started to set you on the ground horizantaly. He sprawled over you on his elbows holding his head over yours. You could see the lust and restraint in his eyes. You knew he was going to snap soon so you pushed yourself against him, testing him. He groaned and you bit your lip into victory. Sasuke's hands started going up your shirt as he lowered himself onto you. His lips brushed yours and you pushed yourself up to meet his impatient lips. He was about to unclasp your lace bra but your heard a voice on the other side of the door. You pulled away to see light at the bottom of the door. So that meant Ino noticed Sasuke was missing.... Sasuke seemed to relize this too and quickly pulled you up as the door opened revealing a steaming Ino and Sakura. But all they saw was you two sitting at opposite sides of the closet. You saw them sigh in relief.

You walked out of the closet but spared a glance at Sasuke. His eyes were roaming your body and you couldn't help but giggle. You've never seen him like this before. Of course Ino and Sakura bombarded you with questions but you ignored them.

You sighed, kind of disapointed that the moment with Sasuke had to end. You were hoping it was a onetime thing but at the same time didn't. You shrugged and sat back over next to Naruto to see him chattin it up with Hinata. You looked away and started daydreaming about what could have happened in the closet with Sasuke with a content smirk planted on your face.  


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