Situation 2

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Situation: You have just invited your boyfriend's parents over for dinner. You cooked your meals yourself and cooked at least twelve different types of food. You were quite satisfied with your work and waited for your visitors.

Expectation: Your boyfriend's parents walk in and his mother is delighted with the amazing fragrance of your curries. They ate your food and praise you for your great cooking. Your boyfriend's mother is very proud of you and thinks her son and you are meant to be together. Your boyfriend gives you a kiss and tells you he loves you. Awww, how sweet......

Reality: Your boyfriend's mother raises her eyebrows when she sees your appearance. You had flour on your hair, chicken blood on your apron. You smelled of fish sauce and you had chocolate on your face. In short, you looked disgusting. First, you served your signature chicken liver soup. When your boyfriend's mother took a sip, she immediately puked and told you it wasn't edible. You were quite embarrassed but got over it. A moment later, you brought your boiling hot coffee but accidentally spilled it on your boyfriend's pants. He held his crotch jumping up and down, cursing you for burning his balls. They immediately leave and your boyfriend was very disappointed in you. He told you to break up with him and get a life. Quickly walking away, he didn't even give you a goodbye hug. How sad.......

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