
Start from the beginning

'What if I got accepted to Tokyo's greatest University! Gah, now I can't wait to read it!' Sakura thought as she tried to open the letter faster with a big smile on her face. When she finally opened it, her smile went away and a deep blush graced over her cheeks. Sakura couldn't believe that this elegant letter that only consistent seven words and for those words to make her feel embarrassment.

You look so beautiful today, my love.

Sakura took the letter in her hands and crumbled it. She was no fool, it was either someone playing a joke with her or she now had a secretive fanboy that somehow got there hands on her locker code. Sakura let a frustrated sign as she thought about asking for a new code tomorrow, today was not her day.

When the bell rang, Ino made her way towards Sakura to ask her what was wrong, but noticed a shadow following Sakura. Ino decided to follow the shadow instead to find out what's its deal with her dear friend. But just as Sakura and the shadow made a turn, she lost them. Ino couldn't believe she lost them that quickly, like they disappeared into thin air. She decided she'll tell Sakura at lunch since she had one minute to get to her next class.

As Sakura made her way to her next class, she couldn't help but name people who would do a joke like that to her. But then again she didn't want to accuse them for something they might of never done. She'll just have to tell Ino if she knew anything about it.

As Sakura made her way to her physics class, she notice that Gaara was starring at her, but she couldn't really read his expression. Gaara is considered a hot guy because of his messy crimson red hair that fell into place with his strong jawline and high cheekbones. Gaara was interesting for Sakura since she always thought that his past is a mystery for many and because of his beautiful tattoo of love in kanji on his forehead.

'Why is Gaara starring at me like that? Do I have something on my face? This is weird of Gaara, he rarely gives me attention...,' Sakura thoughts were making her feel very self-conscious. She made it to her seat right next to Shikamaru, the smartest lazy ass she has ever met, in which no doubt he was already sleeping.

Shikamaru hair was slick back into a high ponytail that made his hair stick out like a pineapple, not a single raven lock framed his face. He always has bags under his matching raven eyes, which Sakura wonders why if he's always sleeping.

Sakura didn't bother on waking him since he would complain at her and tell her how troublesome she is, she wasn't in the mood for Shikamaru's attitude. Saki~ sensei started teaching the class as many of the students were trying to take notes on what she was saying. But Sakura wasn't interested because this was something she already knew and also because from the comer of her eye, she can spot Gaara still starring at her. He had this look in his eyes that showed care, but Sakura didn't get why because she doesn't even know the kid.

When physics class was over, Sakura stuffed her notebook in her bag and was about to leave but someone caught her wrist.

"Wait... Sakura," Gaara's deep smooth voice rang through Sakura's ears. She turned around to be faced with the one and only famous Gaara. He let go of her wrist once she gave her attention to him.

"Oh, hey Gaara~san. Do you need anything?" Sakura smiled at him as she tried her best to act normal and to stop the blush that was creeping up her neck.

"I... just wanted to see how you were doing..," Gaara looked down a little so that Sakura didn't have the view of his blushing face.

Gaara's reply took Sakura by surprise as she started to blush herself, but she quickly recovered and smiled at him. "I'm doing great Gaara~san, thank you for asking. I would like to continue our talk but I wouldn't want you to run late, so please excuse me," Sakura quickly said her farewells, bowed, and sped walked to her next class, which was a study hall class, she was so greatful at the moment.

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