Chapter 1

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I ran down the road and smiled as I saw Sean leaving his house “Hey” I greeted happily as I ran up to him but froze when I saw his face. “What’s wrong?” I asked confused. “I’m moving” he replied quietly, not looking at me. My face dropped immediately. “B-but you can’t” I replied close to tears. “I have to…” he replied trailing off. “But I promise I will call and visit” he continued. I frowned but nodded. “You promise?” I asked looking up at him. “I promise” he smiled. I nodded gently and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. “I’m going to miss you” I said sadly. “I’m going to miss you too” he replied hugging me tight…

That was 4 years ago, I am now in high school and it is the end of the summer holidays, which means a new year of confusion, pain and hope. You see I am like every other teen girl in the school, I have a huge crush on Bobby Jenkins, the school hottie and I am also trying to figure out if I am bisexual or not. No one knows because I know what they will say so I am keeping this to myself. Sean never did keep his promise, he hasn’t contacted me once since he moved, to begin with I was angry at him but life goes on and I have moved on from him.

I sighed and slowly sat up; I could hear my mum yelling at me that I had to get up to go to school. I slid out of bed and my golden retriever Angelo ran into my room and jumped on my bed. I smiled and pet him before grabbing my glasses and putting them on. I walked to my wardrobe and changed before walking down stairs, Angelo by my side. “Morning” I said as I got downstairs to see my mum, dad and both my brothers sat at the table. “Morning sweetie” mum smiled when she saw me. I took my seat by my older twin brother and started to eat. When I had finished I got up and went to get ready before I walked to the door. “Bye, see you after school” I said before walking out the door and heading to school.

I arrived and saw a group of students crowding around a new car, curiosity got the better of me and I walked over to see what was going on. I walked over to see a flash of brunette hair. The man stood up and I looked at him, shock and anger coursing through me. It was Sean, I hadn’t seen him in years and now here he was. I looked over at him again, he was still same, tall well-built figure, piercing blue eyes and ridiculous good looks, ‘no I won’t let myself get caught up in him again, I like Bobby not Sean’ I thought as I watched him and saw all the girls swooning over him. Before he could see me I turned and quickly walked off to my Maths lesson, as long as he didn’t teach me I’m fine. I frowned when I walked in and saw that Mr Summers, my normal Maths teacher, was gone along with all of his things, he normally would already be sat at his desk, and he was always early. I took my usual seat and listened in to the conversations about what had happened to him.

I ended up zoning out, not really caring until the door opened and a crowd of girls from the class stumbled in, still staring at Sean… wait Sean was my new maths teacher. I frowned and looked over at him, let’s just hope he doesn’t remember me and then I’ll be safe. He sat down and looked around the class. “please take your seats” he told the girls who were still standing as he flashed them a flirty smile, they practically fainted into their seats and I inwardly growled, his eyes landed on me and something flickered but I wasn’t quick enough to catch what it was, he quickly moved on to the rest of the class…

Maths went extremely slowly and there wasn’t much teaching in it at all. It mainly consisted of everyone swooning over Sean and I ignored it all. I walked to history, hoping to God that he wasn’t there as well. I immediately started to frown however when I saw that he was sat at the desk waiting for his class. ‘How did he get here so quickly?’ I thought but shrugged it off and took a seat at the very back of the class room, not wanting to be near him, I was too angry at him for just leaving me and not keeping in contact like he had promised. I zoned out as soon as he started talk, history was one of my strong topics. All I really wanted was for the lesson to end and after what felt like a year it finally did. I walked out to lunch and met up with Sarah and Jackie. “Hey” I smiled when I saw them. “Hey” they cheered. “How was the new teacher?” Sarah asked causing me to frown. “It was Sean…” I replied, they both gaped at me. “You mean…” Sarah started. “Sean from like years ago?” Jackie finished, I nodded and started to walk to lunch. “Did he teach you both maths and history?” Jackie asked. I nodded silently and got in the queue for lunch. When it was finally my turn I got my food and paid before I waited for Sarah and Jackie and we went outside to find our usual seat.We sat and ate; they were still going on about Sean so I tuned it out not really wanting to talk about it. “I have to go to my Chemistry tutor today, so I won’t be walking back with you guys” I told them as we were walking back into lessons. “Ah, ok” they replied nodding slightly before we parted ways.

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