Phantoms of the Night

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It was just like any other day in my ever-so-ordinary life. Wake up, get ready for work... I shan't bother you with the mundane details. But - there's always a but somewhere - I could feel that this weekend was going to be different, that something missing was waiting to be found out.

First off I was glowing, but I'm pretty sure it was because I felt great that I had spoken to my crush the previous night. Secondly, I didn't take my breakfast for once, no biggie. One more thing, I'd noticed that the people in my neighbourhood were rather pale-faced.

As I passed through the crowd, I noticed a poster for a carnival of sorts. Right at the bottom of the list of attractions were words that couldn't stop glaring at me. "HAVE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, TALK TO GHOSTS - MADAME ALEKYA IS IN TOWN!" was printed in bold, flashy colours that hurt my eyes quite a bit.

The thought of having my fortune told slightly intrigued me, and since my life wasn't about to take a turn any time soon, I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it for fun.

So that evening after spending time at home doing nothing my waste my life away in front of the television, I decided to move my lazy self out of the house and get to the carnival as soon as possible.


Through the heavy bright fuchsia curtains I went - so heavy they barely moved - and found a wrinkly and pruned lady with hair long enough to build a bridge sitting right in front of a well polished glassy sphere. Her lips puckered as she observed me intently, her dark and soulful eyes never breaking away from her gaze.

"Ah, you must be the companion," she suddenly spoke in her raspy and adenodial voice. She gestured me to come closer. Thinking it was to welcome me, I immediately went for the plush chair across her seat. Madame Alekya clicked her tongue loudly and wagged a finger at me as her golden bangles jingled on her wrist.

"Companions never sit there. You come here," she articulated every word, her tone suddenly harsh. I was momentarily confused, but not wanting to upset her I did as she told.

"Keep this with you and do not let go until I say so."

She pressed a pendant, a glossy opal stone embedded into a silver-flecked wood piece tied to an onyx silk ribbon, into my palm.
That was when I realised she had a similar chain hanging from her neck.

This happened as a third person came into the tentage and sat on the same plush chair I had wanted.

"Welcome, darling, may fortune be your way!" Madame Alekya shrieked excitedly, throwing her arms wide in a grand gesture to welcome the young man.

"What about my fortune-telling?" I asked, starting to get flustered.

"Not now, be quiet!" her voice seemed to echo within my skull.

Funny thing was, the man took no notice of me... and that's all I can remember, apart from her murmuring strange words and images of the young man flashing through my mind before I blacked out.


I am now writing this in my prison cell. If anyone sees this, be warned. Stay far, far away from fortune tellers and the like. It's illegal for spirits to make any contact with such humans and assist them in cheating other humans for greedy purposes. The more you approach fortune tellers, the bigger the psychic industry in our worlds becomes and more ghosts will be drawn to it and thrown into jail just like me.

Don't trust fortune tellers. Ever.

Honestly I don't know where I wanted to go with this. It's late at night and I haven't slept well, so I apologise if this story was weird and confusing as heck. I honestly didn't have a plan going into this so uh yeah it's considered a shitpost I guess
Meanwhile, you guys stay awesome and don't get cheated muahaha

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