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Walking with Peridot and Amethyst, Mamba wasn't really sure what to do. They obviously didn't know about her venom. At least, she didn't think they did. Should she attack? But they are royalty.. Absentmindedly flicking her forked tongue, Mamba focused on the scene around her instead. They were heading up black, shadowy tunnels that had almost no light whatsoever. It was nothing like the brighter cell she had woken up in. Smaller tunnels scraped into this one lead to faintly glowing larger cell pockets that branched off one another, making a crescent shape of prisons.

There was a little light, mostly from up ahead and the 'Crystalwing's' spikes and horns. The one called Amethyst had glowing stripes running through her wings, even. The light from up ahead was even brighter now, aglow with warm red and orange. Fire, hopefully. These stone tunnels were awfully chilly.

"A little sun would be nice, too." She thought, pausing as a wave of red rolled through her scales.

"Mamba?" Artemis's voice asks, and Mamba turns her head to find a blurry purple shadow and blue eyes.

"Right here." Mamba nudged her wing with one of her own, falling back and walking beside Artemis instead.

"So." Mamba lowered her voice. "Why exactly are we following the strange, crystal-dragons anyway?"

Artemis shrugged casually, an etch of concern racing across her expression. "We're the intruders here. If things don't go well.." Her voice trailed off. "I'll figure something out. Just for now, we'll follow them."

Mamba nodded and grinned, "Alright." She elbowed the Nightwing. "You're the leader, anyway!" She said jokingly.

Smiling, Artemis turned to face the front again when Peridot and Amethyst suddenly stopped, causing Tempest to trip into Potent and for the Sandwing to hiss menacingly.

"Single file." Peridot's voice snarled, and Mamba found herself glaring intently at the green dragon.

"I'll melt your face off." She thought angrily, black and red were really swirling through her scales now. "Don't tell me what to do."

Potent had grudgingly stood in front of Tempest, while the others followed suit. But Mamba had other plans. Closing her eyes and taking in the colors, she vanished before anyone could blink.

"I'm staying camouflaged." She hissed quietly to Artemis, who jumped a few feet in the air at the sound of her voice.

"What?" Artemis squinted at the faint outline of Mamba. "But, we have to stick together!" She said, her hope shrinking as the outline faded into the blackness.

"I won't leave." Mamba rolled her eyes for a split second as they headed into the light filled cave. "I'm just going to hide. If something goes wrong they won't expect it, right? Now shush."

Opening and closing her mouth, protests faded from Artemis. She snorted unhappily before following the others. Satisfied, Mamba trudged up the tunnel, squinting as she was bombarded with light to her face. Sunlight? No. What was it?

Waiting for the sparkle to go away, she blinked around the cave. It was huge, probably the size of the whole Rainforest canopy, at least. Sharp crevasses were struck down into the hardened stone earth, and spires and ledges twirled up to the ceiling like groping talons. The stone was a soft, amber/gold color that glittered with tinier specks of light. Now that the spots no longer danced in her eyes, Mamba could see that those odd specks of light were more crystals. Much like those in the cave where she, Snowfall and Seaglass had been discovered.

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