The Forest - Alicia Jauregui's POV

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    The wooden floors creek under my feet and I open the door. Trees all around shielding people from the outer world. The trees have emerald green leaves and dark brown bark. The biggest trees in the world create the fence between us and the normal elementals. I walk straight out of my tree to the pond.

     The water reflects a sapphire hue. The sky rains down a cobalt blue. Birds glide all around us. I step on a branch and a pack of squirrels run right in front of my feet. The Gazebo stands tall and piercing white with a full moon slowly rising from afar. the small lights give it a white Aurora. I step onto the bridge and walk to the gazebo.

    "Alicia, Alicia Jauregui" A surprised voice whispers out to me.

      I instantly turn around and see my best friend. He's been here 3 months and we instantly connected. Before he was here it was everyone for themselves. No one thought of the trees as shelter, so he's just improved everything.

      He runs over to me and we instantly hug. We always come here in the morning but today I was trying to learn more techniques for my water bending. We always practice together and spar sometimes. It's not fair sometimes he can use all 4 elements and I can only use the 2 that I have, Water and air. We're going to test out my new techniques. I see Sebastian getting ready to spar.

     "You ready?" He asks curiously standing with his hands behind his back.

    I know he's already planning his attack so I ready myself

"Let's do this" I reply with a quick smirk.

    I instantly push my hands in and out repeatably which makes the pond shake back and forth. Sebastion sees what I'm planning already and he starts his own attack. He runs at an amazing speed but stops only a few feet in front of me. He pounds his foot down and a big chunk of the earth comes up from the pond and I'm instantly worried. I never win when he uses the earth element. I throw my hands up and slowly sway them left and right.
The boulder comes at me and I pull my arms close to me as fast as I can. The water Strick's through and crumbles the boulder. I push my hands forward and force the water to freeze into a ball of water. I spin around to give myself momentum. I jump and kick the frozen ball at him. I swirl my hands around and around making a small tornado. Sebastian doesn't expect the tornado so he is thrown off balance.

  I stop the motion once the frozen ball hits Sebastian.I run through the forest scared of what Sebastion might do. The ground starts to rumble and crack. I run to leap to my left right as the ground goes under. I look back to see Sebastion furious and his face scared.

     " Alicia, omg are you okay. I'm so sorry I didn't mean for the ground to fall so fast."He yells out worriedly.

 I just smile because he's helping me work on my reactions. I jump up and do an 180 then throw my hands behind me. The blast of air sends me flying forward. I go right past Sebastion and his embarrassed faced. I almost lose my balance but I do a front flip to make sure I land smoothly.

I land and look back Sebastion has done the same thing. He gets close and smiles.
I start walking backward and tell him "Nice job, but I think I won today."
Sebastian looks worried then screams "Alicia stop!"

  I take one more step but feel nothing under my foot. I start falling then Sebastian catches me by my hips. He holds me like as if we were doing the dip in the tango. Our heads fall at the exact spot of the moon. Our silhouettes are the only things seen. Sebastion leans down and then plants a kiss on my lips. My face turns a bright scarlet color.

   "I love you" he's says but runs off before I could say another word.

 I say under my breath " I love you too"

   A cluster of smoke lingers the floor. It starts to form into a body. A blazing light flashes in front of me. I shield the blinding light from my eyes.

   "What's happening?" I question

   "Well look who it is," A familiar voice says.

  With confusion in my head, I open my eyes to see who it is. At first, I can't see and my eyes start to focus. The blurry figure turns into a sharp Image. At first, I don't know who it is but when I see the Hair I know exactly who this beast is. My mouth turns into a frown. I'm scared of what he may do, because of what I did to him.

" It's you," I snap

His lips turn into an instant grin

   "Who else would it be?" He asks me rhetorically. 

  I blast a puff of air at him, then turn and run not ready for what may happen.

I run as fast as I can and bring my hands up wrapping everything around me in vines and branches. He can't be here She took Him away I remember that night. He was taken away and was never supposed to see anyone ever again I made sure of it. I never liked him. I never will. How did he find me? How did he know where to look? I look behind me to see if he somehow made it through. No one is there only trees and vines. So I stop running and try to catch my breath. I sit down and wait for Sebastian, he can always find me. I feel a tap on my shoulder seconds later and I turn around and see him again. How did he do that? He was so quiet, can he fly or something? 

   "I need to talk to you," he said with a malicious smile.

"Not a chance," I reply back 

Before he can say another word I throw my hands at him and bring them up slowly. All at once Roots shoot out at his legs and hold him down. I bring my hands up and pull down quickly. Vines grow rapidly and twist around his arms holding him back.

"Please hear me out," He screams with beggingly.

I don't say a word but loosen my grip on him to say Okay go ahead and tell me before I kill you. He again gets that smile I hate so much and he starts "Join us...

Author's note:
Hope you guys are liking this story the POV'S are going to change from time to time and so will whose doing the author's notes because there is 2 of us working on this story so I'm oddsneverinyourfavors friend helping him so I'll mark -a and he'll use -d for the author's notes p.s. Alicia's last name is based on Lauren Jauregui from fifth harmony

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