A Whole New World

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I've been helping out with a play I think you all should know (: so I have many different wonderful Disney songs stuck in my head. Especially this song. This movie reminds me of my book. Actually that's what inspired it, Cept I'm planning to maybe put a dark twist.. But enough with revealing. (:

I can show you the world, shining shimmering splendid. Now tell me princess when did you last let your heart decide.  I can open your eyes. Take you wonder by wonder, over sideways and under on a magic carpet ride...




A whole new world.. That's what I see.. This new view of this world I have always lived in but haven't really seen!! On the back of this motorbike I feel a freeness I have seldom felt. This stranger has made me feel so free! But.. Will I always be free with him?

"Umm where are we going?" I ask nervousły, hanging on to his tight body for life.

"I'm going to take you where I grew up," he shouts so I can hear him through his bike.

"Where is that?" I ask curiously, wanting to know more about this hunk of a man.

"Ah. Its just a tiny kingdom," he shouts back at me.

"Whats the name?" I ask softly. He pauses a beat and then speaks once more.

"So who was this man you were supposed to meet to marry?" he shouts. I guess I spoke too softly.

"I dunno his first name but he's the I think the second eldest of the Du Las that reign Rasui,"

"Why don't you want to meet him?" he pries a little unfocused.

"Umm I dunno.. Maybe I don't wanna be forced into a loveless marriage." I say arrogantly.

"well you would just be meeting the guy. You'd get to choose who you want as long as he is a prince. And who knows? You may actually find you like one of them," he says knowledgeably.

"How do you know," I ask, shocked he knows that much. It is not common knowledge.

"I umm my uh I majored in history and law and all that boring stuff," he says brokenly.

"Majored?" I ask confused.

"In college," he says simply.

"Oh.. My daddy said that I could not attend a college because I had to get married." I say sadly.

"That's not fair ," he says as he slows for a red light.

"It's the law. I have to get married in six months to a prince, like you said," I say solemnly as I look around at where we were. The landscape has changed drastically! it's all forests. "You could always go to college after you get married," he says to me after a while.

"I never thought about that. But I am positive my daddy will have an excuse for why I can not attend college. Anyways, i would rather go to college unmarried."

"College isn't really special," Delos fibs to me, trying to make me feel better.

" i guess it is not but i still want to go. Anyways Where are we??" I ask knowing that to get out of the Beautiful beach landscape it would take at least half a days journey and we haven't been going more than three or four hours.

"Eh Bakani," he says in an fake, over done Bakanian accent.

"ah ya ets bawkani," I say chuckling as I too make fun of the kingdom of people between Parujji and Rasui.

I feel something wet hit me and look beside me. I see an angry person looking out the door of a vehicle. They have brown hair and freckles and orange eyes. Shoot he's Bakanian! I look at Delos and he turns around slowly on his bike and gives the guy a nasty look. As soon as the guy sees his violet eyes he shoots off not caring that the light was red. Wow come to think of it, in the courtyard when Delos walked up, everyone backed up a little bit and nobody followed us. That's strange.

The light turns green and Delos steps on the gas and starts moving again.

"I am so glad I met you," I say suddenly.

I feel and hear him chuckle. "why is that princess?" he asks amused.

"well now that you rescued me I get to expierience this new world with you. I am not used to being..." I trail off as I  close my eyes and lay my head on his back.

"Free?" he supplies.

"yes that word," I mumble as I fall asleep.

The runaway princessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora