To Buy a Girl (Part Two)

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"80 Coppers?" Master Mookjai tried. Neko flipped up his number. With a thin, but pleased smile, the slaveholder proceeded to test the waters. "130 coppers?"

"100 silvers," Neko blurted, too impatient to haggle. Hopefully, he wouldn't be punished for challenging a Commander. If he explained his connection to Snofrid, the Commander might understand.

Master Mookjai's eyes popped open and he sputtered, "Silvers?"

"That's what I said. Silvers."

Murmurs rippled through the ranks. Buyers stole suspicious or intrigued glances over their shoulders at Neko.

"500 silvers," the Commander bided, clicking his raptor-claws together.

Neko struggled to reign in his irritation. The fact that the Commander's raptor claws were pure silver made his wealth obvious. How high was he willing to bid for Snofrid? And what could he possibly want with her?

"1000 silvers," Neko sneered; it was echoed by a delighted squeal from Master Mookjai and a gasp from the crowd.

"2,000 silvers," the Commander countered calmly.

"5,000 silvers."

"7,000 silvers."

"10,000 silvers."

Master Mookjai sat upright on his litter, his arms quivering under his weight, and looked back and forth between the bidders with the frenzied excitement of a child.

"15,000 silvers," the Commander called.

"20,000 silvers," Neko said louder.

"I don't like this," Desya broke in. "I've got a neurotoxin dart. I'm gonna put him down."

"Are you crippled in the mind?" Neko hissed. "Assaulting a Commander is suicide."

"I won't have a choice if he outbids us. Commander or not, there's no way I'm letting him get away with my sister."

"He won't," Neko promised. "I'll do what's necessary to help Snofrid."

"30,000 silvers," the Commander challenged.

"35,000 silvers," Neko fired back.

"40,000 silvers."

"45,000 silvers."

"Damn," Desya barked. "5,000 more and we're out!"

"Call Lycidius," Neko ground out. "Have him transfer the funds."

"There's too much bloody interference. I can't get a connection."

"50,000 silvers," the Commander said.

"55,000 silvers." Neko upped him swiftly, and then told Desya, "Use the satellite phone!"

Master Mookjai, who'd all the while been flopping about like a fish, beamed in euphoria. The bell tied to his finger jingled wildly and he broke into hysterical pants. Snofrid, who'd stopped gazing at the floor, braved a glance at the Commander. Her face flushed hot with anger, though she showed no fear, even if she felt it. Neko stood up tall, trying to get her attention, but she continued to stare at the Commander intently, as if letting him know that she wouldn't go with him willingly. At this, Neko swished his jacket and pushed through the crowd.

The Commander held Snofrid's stare, and said, "60,000 silvers."

"65,000 silvers," Neko growled.

"70,000 silvers."

Neko, shoving a buyer out of his path, bellowed, "75,000 silvers!" He turned on the Commander and discreetly raised three of his fingers—a sign that he was an Inborn war hero—with the hope the Commander would stop bidding. The man locked his raptor-claws behind his back and made no move to continue. Gradually, silence swooped in across the warehouse.

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