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~Jasmine's POV~

"I'm so excited, I can't hardly wait to see the house! I hope it's everything I dreamed it would be." I said to my boyfriend, Jason.

"Don't worry babe, everything will be just fine and to your liking"

"but what about you? What do you want out of the house?"

"All I want is to have the woman of my dreams happy and maybe some future kids running around."

"Ooh! I love you bae!"

"I love you, too" Today is the day Jason and I are looking at our dream house that we found on the Internet and hopefully we're able to get it. It's a nice 5 bedroom, 4 1/2 bath and at a very reasonable price. With my executive assistant job paying well and his job, we could hopefully put down a down payment.

"This house was built in 1852, and last remodeled two years ago by the previous owners who didn't like the renovations that the previous owners had before them. It has five bedrooms four and a half baths; it also comes with a basement, two-door garages and a wine cellar located in the back of the house." The real estate lady told us

"Why is the house being sold so cheap if it has so much to offer?" I asked looking around

"Well... The previous owners of the house disappeared without a trace, and no clues or evidence showed up about the couple. Some bodies did show up in the local river not to far from here, but the bodies were unidentified." She said

"Oh my God?!" I said shockingly

"that shouldn't matter right?" Jason said to me

"Doesn't matter?! Those people could've been killed here"

"but there's no evidence. No one knows what happened to those people, baby listen this is a good house and they are selling for half of what it's worth, this is a steal! Come on, I promise it will be worth it in the end, plus this will also help us on saving money so we can spend it on the stuff we really need. Come on, just think about it."

"Do you have any other houses in this price range?" I asked the lady

"Yes I do, but those are a two bedroom, one bathroom and they are across town and others in a not so nice neighborhood." The lady said

"See baby, it's in a nice location, the price is just right and we have extra room for other things, like that library you always wanted. With the extra room you can do that, plus an office." He said convincingly

"I guess you're right, but I want to look over the house one more time, is that okay Miss?" I asked

"Yes, take as much time as you need, I will be outside if you need me." She said walking out the door.

"Tell me, you don't like this house?" Jason asked

"I do, Jason it's just the whole disappearing thing has me feeling some type of way, I have this weird feeling already" I said

"That's just your nerves, you're worried about moving to a strange neighborhood with other strangers and you're nervous, it's okay." He said holding me

"It's not just nerve, I don't feel right"

"well babe, we can't just wait around until your nerves have left you. Someone else might buy the house, everything will be fine. Remember you felt the same way when we first moved in together, now look at us, everything will be fine. Now come on and let's finish looking at the house" he said grabbing my hand.

"Alright, my girlfriend and I finished looking around and I think we want to buy" Jason said to the lady.

"Excellent! Here is the contract that I need you to sign" she said handing us the paper

"When can we move in?" I asked

"Whatever time is convenient for you"

"Okay, here you go, we will start moving today. We already have some stuff packed up and we can get that out the way, then move the furniture" Jason said

"Very well, I hope you two enjoy the house and call me if you need anything or have any other questions." She gave us her card,  Linda Rhodes; Real Estate Agent.
I watched from the window in the living room as she covered the 'For Sale' sign with 'Sold'. Jason came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Don't worry you'll get used to all this, we have each other, it'll get better" he said kissing my cheek

"I know, as long as I have you, I'm fine. Now let's call some movers so we can get our stuff"

"Woah! Movers? Nah, I'm calling the boys. They can help us move. We can get Rick's truck and move our stuff. We just bought a house, let them fools move our stuff for free."

"You know that's not right, you should at least give them something"

"Again, we just bought a house. As far as they're concerned, I'm broke."

"Whatever, just call them up so we can get our stuff already."

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