Comfort Lines

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  "I still miss Mommy, though," the girl whimpered as Han pulled her blankets up to her shoulders. He planted a kiss on her forehead and told her, "I know, kiddo. I know it's been a rough while for you and I promise we'll go out tomorrow and try to have some fun, but, right now, you need to go sleep. Can you do that for me?" Allana nodded, though she wasn't very convincing and it made Han's smile appear more pitiful as he felt so for her. "Okay. Get some sleep, sweetie. We love you." He left the room, switching a night light on and closing the door gently. In the hall stood Leia, leaning against the wall, dressed in pajamas with her hair done up in a sloppy ponytail. He gestured with his head to their own room and asked, "Ready for bed?"
  Not yet taking her gaze off of Allana's door, she shook her head. "I don't think I could if I tried." Han knew it was true, that he would have the same struggle and the two would both be up all night, tossing and turning, trying to pretend that today hadn't happened. He knew she was tired, though. Her eyes encompassed by dark circles and turned down in sorrow, her shoulders slumped, posture weak. Under any other circumstances Leia would've fallen asleep the second face met pillow. But grief and horror had swallowed her whole and her mind needed the time to process it all, to try and relax, to calm herself so she could focus on helping her granddaughter. If she could help herself first.
  "Yeah, you're right." Han came to her side, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back to the living room. "What do you want to do, then? Just watch some holodramas, maybe some old Garik Loran?"

  "You said nearly the exact same thing after . . . after Anakin died. You need a different comfort line."

  "Yeah, I probably do. Or this could just stop happening to us. How about we just go and lie down, talk? We don't need to sleep tonight."
  Leia nodded, walking slowly to bed at Han's side. "That sounds better."

Star Wars: A Long Drabble AgoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon