Rebels and Imperials

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A/N: A missing moment in which Leia becomes the mother she always should have been! JAINA/JAG SHIPPERS BEWARE!!

  Jaina Solo despised the silence in which she sat. She'd much rather be surrounded by chaos, her mind far too cluttered to think straight or even dwell on the events that had just taken place. But, it was quiet and that didn't help Jaina with her issue. It was quiet and she could think and no happy thoughts were coming.
  As hard as she tried to block the memories, Jaina recalled with stunning clarity what had happened earlier between her and her fiance Jag. She had learned that he was a shoulder she couldn't afford to cry on, a sky that would fall when she needed to fly, an antagonist when she was her own enemy. It was supposed to be a week until their wedding when Jaina had caught the call.
  It was almost funny, really. It was as though the galaxy was back to the good old days, like it was a cycle. Things were black and white again and the Imperials were once again the bad guys, no second thought needed. And that's what had ended her relationship with Jagged Fel.
  Born and raised in Imperial space as an Imperial pilot by Imperials, it was clear whose side he represented. Then, there was Jaina, born to and raised by Rebels, flew for Rebel pilots, never really trusted Imperials bucket-heads. But the two had thought that, for them, somewhere in the middle existed a real love where their roots and backgrounds didn't matter, where they could be their parents' children without bothering. But they'd been wrong.
  Her fiance of just two more weeks had quickly and noticeably become forceful to their post-wedding plans. Their home in particular. Jagged had been quick to suggest moving to his home planet of Csilla near his family and that his wife-to-be become an Imperial citizen as well. Jaina had gone along with it until she'd realized what he was really asking.
  "But I'll be gone often for duties at the academies and temple."

  "Why would you leave so often? "

  "Well, what do you expect me to do? I have to help my uncle out. I'm a Master now!"
  Then, Jaina had seen the look in Jagged's eyes and understood.


  Inevitable, she decided as an old smile returned to her lips, one she'd long thought dead. It was inevitable, these tears she shed in memory of a childhood she'd risked all to give her daughter. Though it hadn't been quite a normal childhood by any standards, Leia had managed to keep her daughter safe, away from harm thus far. Her baby girl was still alive, still sane, still . . .  still.

  With a somewhat relieved sigh, Leia took a step to turn away from the rack of holos, froze in her tracks, turned back. Her eyes found their way back to a three-year-old Jaina's face, big brown eyes wide in excitement, her mouth in a grin even wider. She sat on her knees in the beach's golden sand, Leia right behind her, a hand on her daughter's shoulder. It had been a rare occasion when Leia had managed to free herself of her work to spend the weekend with her children and Leia held the simple memory dear in her heart.
  There was a rap at the door and Leia jumped in response, startled even by the soft knock and her daughter's presence standing outside the door. "Jaina," she said her daughter's name as she opened the door, a bit surprised that her daughter would care to pay a visit. But what surprised her more was the younger woman's slumped shoulders, her sad eyes, the general way in which she carried herself like the world was weighing too heavily on her shoulders. She looked up into Leia's gaze and said in a soft voice, so soft Leia couldn't be sure it was really her daughter speaking. "You weren't always there when I was younger."

  A sharp pang hit Leia as she slowly nodded, already on the verge of tears.
  "But you're here now," Jaina continued and Leia vigorously nodded to assure her.
  "I need you now."
  "Jaya," Leia began, using her childhood nickname. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

  "You were right. Like you always are. And I've finally learned to listen to you."
  "Jaina, honey, why don't you come in?"

  Jaina entered her parents' apartment and followed Leia into the living room. Leia sat down on the couch and patted the cushion next to her, motioning Jaina to join her. Jaina sat beside her, let her head fall into her mother's lap as she lied down.
  "What's wrong, Jaya?" the mother asked, rubbing her daughter's back like she used to when Jaina so much younger. "What's happened? Please tell me, honey. Mommy's listening. You can tell me anything."

  There were sniffles and hiccups for an answer before, in a cracked, broken voice, Jaina answered, "You and Dad were right about Jag. Like you always are. And I didn't listen."
  Something instantly broke in Leia's heart and she knew this wasn't going to be good. Her and Han had never approved of Jaina's Imperial pilot boyfriend, but there was little they could do convince their daughter of such. She was her own woman now, out in the world, making her own decisions. Leia wasn't sure she could protect her daughter from these kinds of hurts anymore. "What did he do, Jaina?"
  "Things are back to being simple like they used to be."
  "What do you mean by that?"
  "You don't have to wonder anymore if you can trust the Imperials."
  Leia had to refrain from laughing, quickly swallowed it down and continued listening.

  "Jagged's reached a high sense of power, I don't see him often. When I do, he expects me to be on board with this whole idea of moving to Csilla and becoming an Imperial citizen and . . . leaving the only family that I have. The Order, Uncle Luke, Ben, Allana. . . . You and Dad."
  "You really love us that much that you want to stick around?" Leia smirked.
  "Yes. I should have known better, should have known something like that wouldn't work. Now, I feel stupid."

  "You aren't stupid."

  "Well, I feel like it."
  "Does it hurt?"
  "Only when I breathe. Maybe this whole love thing isn't for me."

  "Yes, it is. It's for everyone. Yours will come along when it's ready. You just have to be patient."
  Jaina nestled closer to her mother and Leia wrapped her arms around her daughter, silently willing all the younger woman's torments away. "You deserve so much better, Jaya. Daddy and I love you so much, we're keeping an eye out for the right one for you. Don't you worry."

  Jaina gave a little chuckle. "Have you found any decent candidates?"
  Leia considered and nodded, thinking of one who had yet to admit to loving Jaina, even though Han and Leia already knew. This man was one Leia knew appreciated and loved the Trickster goddess. "One, yeah. I think he understands what you've been through and would be happy to help you out of the dark. Again."

A/N: Please tell me I wrote that well enough that I don't need to clarify who this guy is. If you do need clarification, remember my username . . .

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