How I became a Porn Star (BoyxBoy) (Sneak Peek)

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  • Dedicated to All of my fans <3


                “Tell me the story again, Sean,” Paul pleaded as he wrapped his big and strong arms around me. We were lying in bed, as we both were telling our life stories to each other.  Our stories began with when we were little kids, to the point of how we got into our business, and lastly onto how we met each other in the process.

                “Again? Don’t you ever get tired of hearing it?” I asked looking up at him.

                “Not at all!” He said smiling down at me.

                It was at least the fifth time I repeated this story, I don’t know why he liked to hear it so much? But then again, that’s just Paul being Paul, I guess.

                “Ok, let’s just cut to the chase shall we?” I said in a rushed tone.

                “No, no no…you sir are going to start from the VERY beginning,” he commanded.

                “Sir, yes sir,” I sarcastically replied.

                “So let’s see… how do I usually start this again?” I thought to myself.

                “Well??” Paul said.

                “Hold on, hold on, don’t get your panties all up in a bunch,” I said wavering him to be quiet.

                “Don’t worry I won’t,” he replied.

                “Good…” I said.

                “Because I’m not wearing any,” He finished quickly with a proud smile at the end.

                “Forgot again?” I asked shaking my head.

                “No, not at all, I just chose willingly not to wear them,” he answered.

                “So then what are you wearing?” I asked.

                “Jeans,” he said looking down at his pants.

                “And that’s it?” I asked.

                “And that’s it,” he repeated me with a smile.

                “Oh Paul…what am I going to do with you?” I said holding my forehead with my left hand.

                “Nothing, now stop changing the subject and tell me the story already!” he demanded.

                “Alright, alright,” I said putting my hands up in surrender.

                “Ok so when I was 22 years old, I had won an award. It wasn’t exactly the type of award that I would call…eh normal, let’s say. Now some people my age would usually get awards like… an academic award, or maybe a musical or talent award or maybe just a Good Samaritan award, some dumb shit like that. But no… my kind of award was far more “special”? On January 27th, 2008, I won the title of “Best Twink Film” In the GayVN Awards.”

                Oh no, this is no ordinary story that you would hear from a family member, close friend, colleague, or even with someone you might work with. No… this is the story on how I became a Porn star.


Author's note : *Looks at each fan suspiciously..... didn't see that coming did ya did ya did ya?!! I told you guys I had a surprise for you :DD!!! A brand new story!!!! :DDD And I know I know... it's not the teacher/student love story that some of you wanted...but I'm kind of more excited to write this one instead :DD No offense to the fans who wanted the other story :P Don't worry... I'll get to it!! I would never leave you guys too dissatisfied :) So yea I hope that you guys are just as excited as I am for this story :DD ..... Can you see it?? Far away in the distance *points forward* ... I see...... I seee...... a lot of naughtiness ahead.... ahahaha :DD For all of you naughty fangirls and fanboys.. I'm betting you'll really love this story ;) I'm hoping to make it a long one... just like how I'm "HOPING" to make "My enemy, My love, My kidnapper" a long story too... that one just has been going a bit slower than I expected :\ Sighhh... what can you do.. I'm a procrastinator :PP

Well ..... ENJOY!!!!

How I became a Porn Star (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now