But above all, she didn't expect to hear a chuckle coming from her boyfriend. It was simply out of character for him to do so

"Babe, it's okay. You don't have to give me that look"

"What look?"

"Like I've grown two heads right in front of you." He chuckled once more "Al though, I do really have two heads. Just that the other one is right down—"

"Alright!" She raised both her hands in surrender "I get it". And at that she found herself laughing along with him. This is what she missed whole week. This is how it should be.

She flashed him the most genuine smile she could muster and said "Powder room. Be back"

"Sure, I'll just get the check then we'll go"

She leaned down to her boyfriend and kissed him in his cheek before she wound herself away from him and made the beeline to the Comfort Room.

She leaned her head to her open palm as if having the major hangover of the century. Might as well have that, at least there's always a Tylenol but with this situation she was having, she didn't even know where to begin

Closing the door from the cubicle, she finally went to the sink, washed her hands, scrubbing it thoroughly before she gazed up in the mirror.

She tried to smile to herself but she cringed the moment she did. It was as if she was having constipation.

She sighed once more—or maybe it was her but she has been sighing since the moment they walked through the door.

She looked at herself once again and began to wonder what was oddly different with the way she looked or Gerard's reaction for that matter

Lately, her boyfriend for four years has been oddly different. The way he kissed her, the way he held her hands— It's like she didn't know the person at all. It was as if this guy was a total stranger.

"Gaga, guni guni mo lang yan" She chastised herself as she dug on to her bag and got her Mac Ruby Woo. To which she began to reapply them again on her lips

"I love him. I love Gerard" It had become her mantra now. "I love him, of course". It sounded so force whenever she thought about it. "I love him" It was too foreign for her ear the moment it was out of her lips.

And the ladies who stood with her by the sink gave her a dirty look. She rolled her eyes. "I love him"

She should feel secure, she should feel safe saying those words but now she's not even sure who's even "him" anymore.

She slapped her right hand across her forehead, grabbing her Celine bag as she did. "4 years kayo ni Gerard pero isang gabi lang parang.. wala na"

She frowned "I love him" yet that's the only thing she could hold on to—- Not for too long that is.

"Nice dress"

She stopped right on her track the moment she heard that oh-so-familiar baritone voice. It was as if she could feel his breath against her throat, the shift in his words. Flat and low, without the casually playful cadence he'd usually had

She found him leaning so casually by the painting as if it's the most natural thing in the world to do so. It was as though the world she'd known had been brushed aside by his company, pushed back until they had been curled up alone here. Just the two of them

She seen heat in his eyes, no, not just heat, fire burning bright and it slid through her like tendrils of heat licking over her body. She felt his eyes raking every angle, drinking her up from every edges and curves in her body before he looked up to her face.

"Run, Nina. Run" She thought but it was as if her sole were glued to the ground. Waiting for him to swallow her like a prey. As it was with so many other things in life; the best answer was the shortest one. She wanted him. To see him. To drink him in. He was beautiful. Stunning. His corded chiseled abs and hard-to-touch chest was now covered by some white V-neck T. But it was enough to make her rampantly needy, ferocious and sudden in the intensity of her want.. His dark, rugged looks with that stubble on his chin was enough to make a woman weep.

He made his way to her. Each step was like gunfire to her heart that she wasn't able to dodge. Hot hands learned the curves of her body, she watched them move over her warm skin and shivered when he whispered in her ear. A smirk playing along his lips as she "But I know.." his words a low rumble against the curve of her ear.

"You're even more beautiful without it"


(Edited: As of April 13,2015)

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