My Library Boy

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It was silent as I walked down the familiar dingy hallway of my school, barely anyone having arrived at school yet. I always got here early, as the only bus that went by my house arrived around the same time that the other students were just waking up.

The only people here were a few guys in the gym, a girl listening to her I-pod outside the maths block building and a guy reading the daily messages on the notice board. Usually, I would wait outside until my friends came but today it was raining heavily so I decided to walk around the school, seeing if I could discover anything new. 

It turns out that my school has nothing that I haven’t seen before so even though only fifteen minutes had passed, it felt like two hours. It was only when I started walking around the school for the third time that I decided to go into the library.

The library was warm and even quieter than out in the hallways. It was a nice relaxing place that I didn’t go to that often. The librarian gave me a disapproving look as I entered, still a little wet from the rain, with mud stuck to the bottom of my boots.

Giving her a small, almost guilty smile, I silently walked towards the fiction section, where there were a few tables and chairs in various aisles. There was something almost magical about a library that made me hate to disrupt with any noise, even the sound of my footsteps made me wince slightly at how loud they were in nearly silent library – the only sound being a little fan blowing fresh air in the librarians direction.

Walking down one of the large aisles, I inhaled the scent of all the books. It was a nice smell, even with all the dust gathered around from books that haven’t been touched in years, it still made a smile appear on my face.

Tucking a lock of my long, blonde hair behind my ear, I searched the shelves, in one of the aisles near the back, for a book I needed for my English class. After almost ten minutes of looking with no success, I was frustrated so when I heard the sound of someone humming to a tune only they seemed to hear, I snapped.

I had been having a bad few days; half my friends weren’t talking to me, my parents were fighting, my brother was going back to university and I couldn’t find the freaking English book.

Storming down the aisle and into the next row, I opened my mouth preparing to yell at the person, even if it meant disrupting the silence; however I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was making the noise.

In front of me was a cute guy, humming, reading the back of a book. I hadn’t seen him around before; if I had I would have definitely remembered. He was tall and looked around my age, with brown hair. I couldn’t yell at him… it felt like it would be wrong to, he looked so peaceful. He seemed to sense my presence and turned around, giving me a hesitant smile.

It was then that I realised that my mouth was open. Blushing, I snapped it shut.  Then, I just stared. I couldn’t help it, at the moment I didn’t even care that I might look like a moron, there was just something about him.

Except, now that I was paying him more attention, I realised that he was fidgeting nervously. Maybe I should cool it on the staring.

“Can I help you?” he asked me quietly.

“Umm, y-yeah, I was, umm, wondering where a book is?” I managed to stammer out.

He gave me a small smile. “What book?”


“What?” He asked, with a confused expression.

“M-my name is Chloe,” I said. Why was I talking? I really shouldn’t be. I sound like a total idiot.

“Umm, hi Chloe?” he said it making it sound like a question, with an amused smile.

“My English book.”

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