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"Everything happened so fast you know? One minute I'm with Jorge then I'm being dragged into the car with no warning." Katy was explaning her camping trip. "Really? What happened to Jorge?" Jorge is Katy's brother. "He was runing for his life when he saw that snake. Then Joey got my arm and lifted me into the car." Katy said. "It was so scary, but that snake was so pretty." Katy smiled. "I would've freaked out!" Selena said as she had Anna in her arms. "I wouldn't. Snakes are amazing!" I said as I smiled. We were currently in line waiting to order our food. "No, but really. It was crazy, but beautiful. We shall go camping one time!" Katy said. "So, I can see a snake and run away like Jorge?" Selena laughed. "No thanks. I love life." I chuckled. "Boy, it'll be fun. We won't find any snakes, and tommo is going to be there!" I said as I laughed. "Okay. True.." Selena smiled to herself.

I want to go camping.-k

Sounds fun!!!-n

You and the boys should come.-k

We would love too, but we're going to be very busy this month. Maybe next month or so.-n

Just tell me when you guys are coming back-k

I will love, anyways you having fun?-n

Yes! We're getting panda express, and then I'm going to go pick up my little husky! i already bought him food!-k

Panda Expresso! Noice-n

Yes, indeed!!-k

Aw, hahah I miss you. I can't believe I got drunk yesterday. I got this mean old headache):-n

That's what happens when you get drunk :p-k

I know. I probably said dumb things.-n

You called me yesterday, and all you kept saying was i love you, does that sound dumb to you?-k

No, I obviously remember that. After we hang up, i think thats when i started saying dumb things.-n

I still can't believe you got drunk without me.-k

you can't get drunk, whats wrong with you kayla, princesses don't get drunk???):<-n

I was kidding babe! Chill. -k

You better! Or else i'm going to beat your ass.-n

but you won't :)-k

you're lucky i'm not there!-n


Got to go princess, talk to you later. I love you.-n

I love you too.-k


"Are we done eating?" Katy asked as she threw away her plate. I looked at Selena and she nodded. "Yay! We're going to go get my little puppy!" I said as I threw mine and Selena's plate away. "Let's go get a puppy!" Katy smiled as we all started to leave. "To the adopiton center!" Selena giggled to Anna. Anna giggled as she was messing with her fingers. She's so cute.

"Husky you say?" Katy said. "Yup, I seen a little brown blue eyed puppy. I fell in love with it! I carried it, and she was looking at me, and smiling at me! When I put her down, she got sad. I whispered to her, telling her I was going to be back for her. She seemed to get the idea." I said as I smiled and turned on the car. "She's so cute, guys. I swear." I said. "You know Niall was going to get you a puppy as well." Katy said. "Yeah, he told me not to tell you." Selena said. "Wow. Seriously? I already told him I was going to get myself one." I said as I felt bad. "Don't worry about it. He has something else for you." Selena winked as she put on her seat belt. I started to drive. "I don't even know what to get him. I've been thinking a whole lot. I mean what can I get a boy that has everything already?" I asked myself. It's true. I was thinking maybe I can get him a watch, or some glasses. He has alot of those. "To be honest, I think I might get him some Nike clothing. I got some money for it." I said. Yeah, a Nike sweater. "That's not so bad." Katy agreed. "Alright, we'll go on Wednesday." I said as I smiled.


We arrived at the adoption center, as we all got out of the car. "Yeah. I came by yesterday. Looking for a Husky puppy." I said to the lady. "That's right. Blue-eyed?" She answered. "Yes ma'am. I fell in love with her." I smiled. "She's perfect. She's got all her shots, she's well groomed, and she's very lovely." The lady smiled. "Yeah. She's perfect." I agreed. "You just have to fill these papers out, and we'll bring her right out." She gave me some papers. "Okay. Thank you so much." She smiled as I went to go sit down with Selena and Katy. "I should've filled these papers yesterday." I mumbled as I started it to fill it up.

"What are you going to name her?" Katy said as she was looking at me. "I want to call her, brownie or blue, because of her eyes." I said as I smiled. "Blue sounds so pretty." Selena said as she was making Anna go to sleep. "Blue is perfect!" Katy smiled. "Blue it is." I smiled as I wrote her name. "Just need to fill this out..." I said as I looked at the paper. "Alright done." I said as I walked up to the counter. The lady looked it over and smiled. "Seems right to me. Blue will be out. Do you want to go inside and get her?" The lady asked. "Of course, yes." I said as I walked towards the door. I looked at Katy and Selena and told them to wait. They just nodded and continue on talking.

"She's right over here. Actually there was a guy who came in here about a week ago, and asked for Blue." The lady said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, he had this accent." The lady chuckled. "Thank god he didn't get it though." I obviously thought of Niall. "Blue." The lady said. Blue was laying down, when she looked at me. She quickly got up, and started barking. "Blue! I came back!" I said as the lady unlocked the gate. Blue started to smell me, and jumping up and down. "Blue, calm down." I said as I started to chuckle. "So cute." The lady said. "Here is her collar, her leash, and her little bag of food." She handed me the bag. I put on her collar, and the leash. "Come on Blue. Let's go." I said as I started to walk. The lady was behind me. "Thank you so much for adopting her. She's a perfect, nice dog. You'll love her." The lady said as she sat back down. "I already am. Thank you so much." I said as I waved at her, and started to walk towards Katy and Selena.

"Holy Moly! She's adorable!" Katy was petting her. "Blue! Perfect!" Selena said as she smiled at me. "I know right." I said as I was petting her.



I was with the boys in the bus, as we were watching a movie. "Friday is the last London show. Then we're off to Australia!" Liam said. "Australia is awesome!" Louis said. "I can't wait to be honest. We'll be in the future." Harry said. "In the future hahahah." I said as I chuckled. "Really mate. Australia is like a day ahead." Liam chuckled. "I know i know. The way Harry said it though." I chuckled again.

Princess Kayla *crown emoji* sent you a image.

I opened the picture and realized it was the puppy that I was going to get her. I was even going to name her Blue.

Honey, that's such a cute puppy!!!-n

I know right! She's so cute and hyper! I'm in love with her!-k

So happy you got her! She'll protect you when I'm not there.-n

I know. Can't wait till she meets you!-k

Little did she know.


Authors Note:

Blah. Short chapter. ):

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