Prologue [EDITED 5/8/13]

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"Mum? Mum, please, Mum wake up. Please!" I pleadingly whispered. My face was stained with the tears that continued to roll down my pale cheeks. I tried to wake her up, her face was paler than usual and I wasn't entirely certain she was breathing.

I was hiccuping from my sobs; I painfully crawled to the car, in search for her mobile that she always put under the seat when we went somewhere. My vision was bluring for my tears and the tiredness that seemed to try and consume me. To my short-lived astonishment, the phone was undamaged from the wreck.

I lazily dialed 999 and collapsed on my back. I was fully aware that my ankle was broken from the pain that shot up my leg every other second. I was also aware of the gash on my right side, half of my shirt was soaked in blood.

"999 state your emergency," a lady on the other end answered calmly. I struggled to take a deep breath before I spoke.

"Um, I-I ne-need, um, uh, hel-help," I stuttered, fighting the wave of tiredness that washed over me.

"Okay, Sweetie, do you know where you are?" she asked nicely. I furrowed my eyebrows together. How the bloody hell was I supposed to know where we were? This is our first time coming here!

"Um, no we were dri-driving when we cra-crashed," I stuttered, I always stutter when I'm nervous, or when I'm scared.

"Okay, are you and your parents badly injured?" she asked, a little more frantic and her voice sounding more concerned than before.

"Um, I think my mum is dead," I whispered, the tiredness was growing and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I fought against it.

"Alright, Sweetie, we found your location, I need you to stay on the phone and talk to me until the ambulance gets there. Can you do that for me?" she asked, I stupidly shook my head as if she could see me.

"O-okay," I mumbled and looked up at the starry sky with heavy eyelids.

"Is your daddy with you?" she asked. I furrowed my eyebrows together and hiccuped. I was no longer crying, I was just numb all over.

"N-no, he died."

"Did he die in the crash?" she asked, concerned again.

"No..." my voice faded at the end and I think she could tell that I was fighting against the dangerous sleep that was tugging at my eyes.

"Okay, Sweetie, stay with me okay?" the lady asked calmly. I yawned.

"I-I can't... " I mumbled, the mobile fell out of my hand and I could distantly hear the lady yelling for me to keep talking to her. Eventually her frantic voice just faded away into nothing, and everything went black.

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