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"We should go to a party," Bea announces. I look up at her from my lunch tray. She shakes her head at me and slouches. I watch her stab her salad a few times. "Don't give me that look. I need to get my mind off of Br..things." She mumbles. I set my fork down on my trey and sigh. Was it normal to want to punch my brother for being an ass? Even if it wasn't, I still wanted to. "Alright, but Mason is coming too; we have plans to hang out tonight. So, who's throwing a party?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. I look around the cafeteria, trying to find someone who would know. "I'll be back," I say, getting up from the table. Bea calls my name, but I ignore her. I walk toward Melanie's table and take the open seat beside her. She groans when she sees me.

"Don't act so happy to see me," I state sarcastically. She rolls her eyes at me. "What do you want, Savannah?" She asks rudely. I tap my hand against my lap. "I'm gonna ignore you're tone because I have a question," I admit. She raises her eyebrows at me. "Hm, and what might that be?" She questions. I take in a dramatic breath. "Do you know anyone that's throwing a party?" I ask. She scrunches her eyebrows together and frowns. "Of course. Jake Carpenter is throwing a party tonight." She states. I wanted to groan. Of course, Jake is throwing a party tonight. "Is he the only one?" I ask. She scuffs at me and turns her body completely to face me. "Yes, Savannah. He is. Do you have any more questions? I'm tired of being around you." She complains. "No, that's all I wanted to know." I start to stand, but she grabs my hand. I look at her, waiting for her to say something. "I have a question." She states. "Fine," I reply. She smiles, letting go of my hand. I wouldn't say I liked the way she was smiling at me.

"Is it true that Colton is living with you?" She asks. I'm taken by surprise. Out of everything she could have asked, that's what she went with. "Is that what you heard?" I ask casually. She nods her head slowly. Her eyes never leave mine. I shrug my shoulders at her. "If that's what you heard," I answer. She smirked at me for a moment and then nodded. "He's cute, isn't he?" She gushes. I roll my eyes at her. "Are we gonna have girl talk?" I ask sarcastically. She scrunches her nose in distaste. "No, if that's all. See you around, Hastings." She waves me off. I get up from the table and walk back to Bea. She raised her eyebrows as I sat down across from her.

"So?" She waits for my response. "There's a party tonight, but I don't know if you want to go," I inform her. "Why wouldn't I? Weren't you listening ten minutes ago? I wanna party." She insists. I nod my head intently. "I get that, but it will be at Jake's house," I say. She falls quiet for a moment. I bite the inside of my lip, waiting for some reaction. Finally, she nods. "Fine, whatever. I don't care about him. If he's giving out free booze, then why not?" She asks to pick up her tray and leave the table. I followed after her. I was worried about her drinking tonight.

"Vanna," Mason called my name. I stop in my tracks. He jogs up to me. "Hey, I'm not gonna make it tonight." He said. I give him a questioning look, and then I remember our date. "Oh, is everything okay?" I ask. He lets out a nervous chuckle. "Yes, I just have to help my parents with something tonight. I couldn't get out of it." He says. I nod thoughtfully. "That's okay. I'll make plans with Bea," I assure him. He nods his head. "Alright. Well, call me later then." He mumbles. He gives me a small kiss on the side of my head. I turn and walk away from him. I leave the cafeteria and head towards Bea's locker.

"So, you wanna meet at my house?" She asks. I think about it for a moment. "Yes, I don't want Colton or-" I stop when she glances at me. She groans, closing her locker door. "You don't have to look at me like a wounded puppy. You can say his name." She mutters. I wrap my arm around her and hug her tightly. She sighs deeply and hugs me back. "I love you, kid," I mumble against her shoulder. She lets out a small laugh. "I think I fell for the wrong Hastings." She whispers. I couldn't help but laugh with her. She steps out of my embrace. "Do you wanna skip? I have class with your brother after lunch, and I don't wanna see him." She explains. "Sounds good to me," I say.

We turn, walking towards the band and choir hall. I felt terrible that Bea felt this way. I didn't want her to feel like this because of my stupid brother. When I start to apologize, Bea beats me to it. "I seen them." She announces. "Who?" I ask, confused. "Brandon and that girl Rosie. She had her tongue done his throat." Bea said in a sour tone. A surge of anger courses through me. I wanted to walk back and grab that girl by her stupid blonde hair. Then, I have to remind myself that it's not her fault. She doesn't know, and Brandon's an idiot. "Ugh! Boys suck." Bea's voice cracks. "But how can I be mad when he was never mine?" She cries.

We head for the doors at the end of the band and choir hall. This door leads to the football field. We ran towards the stands. "Where are we gonna go?" I ask, following Bea underneath the bleachers. She shrugs her shoulders. Jake snuck us out of school to go to the beach as freshmen. He showed us the hole under the fence behind the stands. Since then, Bea and I have snuck out whenever we didn't want to be at school. Of course, this is the only good thing Jake has shown us. This was before he and Bea even considered dating.

Bea crawls under once we reach the hole, and I follow her lead. "I wish I still had Colton's car." I thought out loud. We walk down the sidewalk. "Speaking of, what happened with that?" She asks. I shake my head and explain everything to her. For some reason, this seems to be picking up her mood. "I know you don't want to hear this, but you two would make such a cute couple." She gushes. I pretend to gag at her, and she playfully shoves me. "Oh, hush, he's hot, and you know it." She continues. "Then you date him because if you have forgotten, I'm with Mason," I say. She rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah, good old Mason," May replies sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, anyways, I don't like Colton. He's good to look at, but that's all." She says. We cross the street heading down the block. "I think I'm gonna nap when we get to my house," Bea announces. I find myself nodding in agreement. "Wait, how are we getting to the party?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. "I'll ask Starla. If not, we'll walk. What's the worst that could happen?" She asks rhetorically. I think about it for a moment. I don't know if Starla would agree. She wasn't the party type. Not that I am, either. "Is Mason going?" Bea asks out of the blue. I shake my head. "Didn't mention it to him. Besides, he said he's busy." I answer. "Doing what?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders. "Something with his parents," I say. She gives me a sideways glance. "Weird." She mumbles more to herself than me.

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