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Derek Pov:past
I walk through the newly built Hale house. I stop just outside when I hear Lydia and Stiles talking. "I think I'm going to get a puppy." Stiles says. "What why?" Lydia asks in shock.
"Well you're at collage at Stand Ford, and you where the only human in the house. Now your gone I feel overwhelmed with supernatural shit. And I think get a puppy will make me feel a little normal and also help distracted me."

"Stiles why don't you come to college with me. I know you got in the Stand Ford. Come and live like a normal college student." Lydia says. I peek around the corner to see Lydia's hand rest on Stiles shoulder. He has his head down.

"You know I can't do that. They need me."
"I pretty sure they can take care of themselves." Lydia points out. "Not like that. I help keep everyone in the pack human. At lest that's how Deaton put it. When I'm around it helps control their wolf. Deaton said that it would not be wise for me to move all the way across the country." I can hear the depression in Stiles voice. "I also can't leave Derek. I like him to much."
"Okay then I help you look at dogs. And if there to expensive then we'll look at cats." Lydia words make a small laugh come out of Stiles as head nods his head.
I wait till there conversation picks up again before I walk into the kitchen. There stands Stiles and Lydia making lasagna together. "Smells good." I say as Pull out a glass of water. "Thanks." Stiles say in a low voice. If I didn't over hear their conversation then I would have know somethings was wrong. I'm about to ask him when the rest of the pack come bounding into the kitchen.
Dinner is loud as ever, put both Stiles and Lydia as quit. It's hard to read his emotions when there is so many people in the room.
By the time the dishes are washed and the pack has gone to bed it's hard to not notice Stiles discouragement.
"What's wrong babe?" I ask pulling him closer to my chest as we lay in bed. "Nothing I just have a lot in my mind." He breaths out a sign. "You can talk to me."
"I know I tell you in the morning." With that I listen to his breath even out before he falls a sleep.

I wake in the early morning just as the sun rises, and gets dressed. I drive to the dog shelter just as it opens. If I know Stiles then I know he won't be up till eleven on a Saturday.

"Good morning sir, how can I help you." The young girl says behind the front desk. "I'm looking for a puppy." I say simply. She gives me a big small as she tells be to follow her. "You came at a right time, we have rescued more puppies in the last month then we have in the past three." She says as we walk into the area where the puppies are kept. "I'll let you look, if you have any questions I'll be back I the front." She leaves me.

Walking around the kennel it only takes me a matter of seconds before I find the right puppy. A small German Shepard sit waging it tail at. I bend down and it comes up a licks my hand that is pressed against the cage. Without think I open his cages scoop him up and walk out to the front desk. The girl does seem surprised that I arrive with a dog in my arms. She rings me up and makes me sign documents, the while making same chit chat about how cut the dog is.

Leaving the shelter I goo to the pet short to pick out food, and toys. I make it back to the house at 9:30. Walking into the house his the puppy in my arms licking my face, and the bag of items over my shoulder, I find everyone in the kitchen except Stiles eating breakfast.

When Lydia sees me the big smile grows on her face. Everyone else just looks at me in shock. I dump the items on the table and clime the stairs to Stiles and I's room. Shouting the door behind me I lay down the puppy on top of Stiles. The dog goes insane and starts licking his face. "Derek stop." His voice full of sleep. I chuckle as his hand falls into if the puppies head. Like lighting Stiles sit up and stairs at the puppy in his lap. He looks up at me with wide eyes. "Is this... Is this.. Puppy!" Stiles screeches. I laugh even bigger at his reaction. "Why are you going to name him?" I ask as I sit down in the edge of the bed.

Stiles as tears in his eyes as he hugs the dog closer to his chest. "I'll think all name him Joker. And I'm going to train him like the police dogs. He can help us on cases, he can also help us track each other . And he will be great company when I do research. Oh my god thank you! Thanks you Derek." When he's finished with his rants he kisses. "How did you know?" He asks when he pulls away. "I heard your conversation with Lydia."
"This one time I'm glade you where ease dropping."

Derek: present

Joker sits in the passenger set as we drive down the high way breaking so many traffic laws. "I don't get why Joker get shot gun and your making us sit in the back." Isaac complains from the back. I just ease my eye brows at him, not responding. Mr. Argent is following behind me with the Eric, Allison, Lydia, and Kira. Scott, Isaac, Boyd, and Liam are squeezed in the back of my cat.

I reach other and rub behind the year old puppy sitting beside me. His head is out the widow with his tung handing out.

Over the year Stiles has been doing an excellent job training Joker. He has turns the once spastic puppy, into a well trained obedient dog. Joker can not only track almost better then us, but he protects Stiles with his life. His fighting skills have probably saved Stiles form get seriously injured.

It takes a good five hours for us to make it to the crash season m. Cars are pilled everywhere, some still on fire over burnt black. Police officers, and fireman are everywhere. It takes Chris a good ten minutes to convince the police man to let us look at Stiles jeep.

Walking up the the jeep I laugh that it's the only one not on fire. The trunk is open and two cases sit I top of each other. I go to touch it, but instantly pull my hand back at the pain.
"What the hell are these?" I ask Chris as he comes up behind me. The rest of the pack is either looking through the car or around it.
"Stiles didn't tell you?" Chris say as he pulls the cases out of the car. I shake my head no when he looks over at me. "Deaton and I have supplied Stiles with quite a lot of equipment." He points to the tip case as Erica comes and stands next to me. "In the one you tried to touch is everything he needs to kill any supper natural created. And in the second one his everything he needs to service for three days, and the worlds biggest first aid kit." I look wide eyed at the cases. "How long as he been caring these?" Erica asks. "Years, he came to me and Deaton for help after he was lost for three days. He said that in order to help save you guys he need emergency supplies."
"Holly fuck." Is all I say.
"Why do you think he inseats on always taking his car. He's said to me that he's saved you guys more then one with all of this." Chris pats the cases.

"Shit! Stiles is crazy and smart." Erica says. I just shake my head in shock. I walk around the car with Joker on my heals he sniffs ever inch of it. When I open up the drivers side door Stiles scent hits me like a truck. It everywhere, from the seat, to the candy sitting in the center console. Along with his smell there is the Sheriffs scent and blood. The smell of blood makes me worried. Its means one of them is turn.

After looking around, the pack comes together. "They went south." We all say at once. With the help of Chris we get Stiles cases in the back of my car and we fly down the road following their scents.


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