He Really Did Come

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It's been a few months since the girls had gone to the concert. Everything was back to normal again. Kaeilie was still in her room listening to Kpop. Her mom still never really talked to her. Kaeilie was still in love with Luhan. Nothing had changed.

Kaeilie was sitting outside daydreaming about the night of the concert. The kiss. How she loved that kiss. How she wished she could kiss him again. How she wished his promise was true. Since that concert, exo had been on quite a few performances and the chances of him even 'remembering' her were slim. She sighed softly as she looked up in the sky.

"Even though my chances are slim, I will hold on. Just for you"

Kaeilie and Taylor had started school already since a month after the concert. As seniors, they had more perks now. Free periods, driving to school, leaving early, prom.Even though Kaeilie didn't care much about them, she still used them. I mean...Why not?

During a particularly boring English class, Kaeilie was quietly scribbling away the notes for the day. The teacher was pulled away out of the class suddenly and Kae's eyes were fixed on her teacher.

'I wonder what's going on....'

She thought and shrugged the thought off. She continued to finish writing the notes from the blackboard until suddenly the teacher came back....with someone else. She looked over at the figure. Tall. Male. Lean. Orange hair. Asian. She described to herself as she realized the figure was approaching her. He was finally standing in front of her face with a smile. Luhan. She finally finished describing the mystery man.

"Didn't I tell you I'd come back?"

She nearly fell out of her seat as she went into shock. She always dreamed of him coming back but she never thought he would. She wanted to say so many things to him but none came out but this.

"I...er....uhm... I-I'm a captain!"

'I'm a captain?' Kae thought to her head. 'So stupid!' She slumped down in her seat, trying to hide her embarrasment while her class laughed at her. He didn't care. He thought it was cute. He chuckled softly and whispered.

"Well can I be your first mate ?"

He lifted her up from her seat and held her hand softly. Her cheeks were as bright as a red apple. The class watched in silence as they waited for their classmate's answer.

To be continued~

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