Leaving The Bad Girls Club

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Chanel:Today is the day that we leave the bad girls club

Tina:Im going to miss you boo

Chanel:me too bitch nobody in this house had a relationship like me and Tina had she was my life now we bout to make out so we wont forget each other

Kristen:I only been here for a while but I really like Sierra but we bout to drink and have fun before we leave

Sierra:Kristen has a ass she is my baby I love her we make out and shit we bout to have fun for a little while before times up

Ashley:Todays the day we leave and im not going no where until I fuck the shit out of kayla we basically been dating since we was here at the beginning

Kayla:Im leave but right im bout to go get me cheeks crack by Ashley

Driver:Kayla Come on your the first on

Ashley:bye call me

Kayla:Okay bye guys


Driver:Ashley you ready

Ashley:Bye Guys


Drivers:Kristen and Sierra you guys ready




Chanel:Boo lets destroy the house before we go

Tina:Alright bae

*The house is destroyed*

Driver:you two ready to leave together

Girls:yes we are bye vad girls club see you bitches at the Reunion

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