7. I'm Scared Please Show Me How to Fight This

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(A/N: I did edit this but I was very tired while doing so because it's 2:30 am but I told my friend I'd have it up tonight, so feel free to point out any grammatical/spelling errors.)

"You're going to have so much fun," Mark grinned at me. I nodded distractedly and continued to keep pace with Tom and Mark who were walking on either side of me. It was a lot more effort than I had thought, since they had such long strides.

Scott, who was walking in front of us, turned around and began to walk backwards. "Yeah, as long as you don't jump off any more lampposts," he smirked, spinning back around.

"Was that really necessary?" Mark grumbled.

"Don't worry, Mark, I'll catch you this time," Tom assured, his tone completely serious.

"Oh, Tommy," Mark sighed wistfully, getting everyone else's attention. "You're my hero." He batted his eyelashes at Tom, causing me to giggle and Tom to burst out laughing. Scott just snorted and rolled his eyes before facing forwards again.

Tom suppressed his smile, putting on a straight face before replying. "I'll gladly be the one to save you from this cruel world, Marky."

"Could you guys keep the flirting to a minimum?" Scott called out. "It's making me nauseous."

Mark leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Who do you think hurt him to make him so afraid of love?"

I laughed, probably louder than I should have, considering I was the only one who had heard the joke. Tom looked at me with a mixture of surprise and concern. Mark smiled, clearly proud of himself for making me laugh so hard.

"I know you guys are talking about me," Scott stated, not bothering to glance back at the three of us.

Mark nudged my upper arm with his elbow. I winced slightly when he touched my fresh bruises from yesterday.

"And he's vain," Mark added in a hushed tone. I gave a strained smile, figuring it was better than cackling like a banshee again, and because my arm was still somewhat sore.

"Are you okay, Willow?" Tom asked, noticing my pained expression. "Are you going to be too hot in those clothes?" He gestured to my body with his arm that cradled his skateboard, as if I didn't know what clothes he was referring too.

I chewed on my lip as I came up with an excuse. I knew wearing jeans and long sleeves would seem weird when it was seventy-five degrees out, but it was either that or show off my fresh cuts to the world. I should have compromised and worn shorts; I just never felt comfortable in them. I always tried to hide as much of my body as possible.

"She's already too hot," Mark replied for me. I glanced up at him with surprise. He was smirking slightly, and winked at me when I made eye contact. I blushed and quickly turned my gaze to the cement sidewalk.

"Dude, seriously?" Tom said, sounding like he was thrown off guard. "What happened to 'you're my hero, Tommy'?"

"I can't be tied down," Mark shrugged. "Not even by a knight in shining armor."

Tom shook his head disappointedly. There was a brief pause of silence before Tom spoke up again. "But seriously, Willow, you going to be okay?"

"Yeah," I answered. "I just thought that if I wore this I wouldn't get as scraped up when I fall."

"Smart girl," Mark nodded like he was impressed. Tom smiled as if he were agreeing with him.

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