About Aries

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Hai Fellow friends my name is Aries!

Me: What is Your favourite food Aries!?

Aries: Well there are tons! I love bacon I love cake I love..

Me: Okay.. Next question

Me: Do you have any crushes

Aries: Excuse me uh did I hear crushes O.o

Me: Yes?

Aries: Well uh -blushes- Maybe uh Gemini or Scorpio I don't know please don't hurt me!

Me: Uh okay...

Me: What personality fits you best the geeky one the sporty one or the cute type

Aries: Of course the cute type!

Me: What do you like?

Aries: Well twitter and instagram! I like the bird in twitter so cute and fluffy

Me: Okay who are you friends?

Aries: All of the signs I like them all :3

Me: How old are you?

Aries: 16!

Me: What superstars do you like?

Aries: Well I never heard some of them but I know a lot of pop stars from Scorpio!

Me: So which one is your favourite?

Aries: Tay Tay <3 and Selena Gomez I love 5 seconds of summer too!

Me: Okay so that's it for today :)

Aries: oh don't forget to follow me on twitter!

Me: Uh

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