
After the interview with Fan News. We went to go get food, since I was starving. "Good interview lads." Louis said. "It was alright." Harry chuckled as he was driving already. "It was interesting." Liam said. "All I want is food." I said.

How'd the interview go?-k

It was okay. Kassy basically told me she was sorry.-n

what did you say?-k

I was just like, you gotta be careful on what you say. I don't forgive you.-n

good. I wouldn't forgive either.-k

i hope the fans don't take it the wrong way /:-n

they should not.-k

damn. i miss you so much! We're getting some mc donalds.-n

that's fun, getting chicken nuggets?xD-k

of course!-n
goodnight baby girl, i met you fell asleep now. It's like 3 am there. Call you later. x-n



Morning lucky charm! I woke up at 11am! Anyways one of your shows is today!! are you exctied? You are probably performing right now!! Have fun babe. Talk to you soon.

I went over to Selena's as it was mine turn to take care of Anna. "Thanks boo. See you lates." Selena said. "Bye." I walked over to Anna and realize she was sleeping. "Little angel." I posted a picture of her on my instagram as I she was still sleeping. I went to the living room and turned Netflix on to conitnue watching the Walking Dead. I also turned on the baby monitor in case Anna wakes up.

My phone started to ring as I realize it was Niall. "Baby!" Niall said. "Niall!!" I said as I smiled. "Babe, I got to tell you something?" He said. "What is it?" I can bearly hear him. He might be at a party or something. He sounds weird too. "I'm a bit tipsy, and i'm at a pub, and i'm drunk. Drunk in loveeee with you. All night." Niall said. "oh god." I chuckled. "I love you i love you i love i love you!!" Niall kept saying. "Oh my god Niall." I said as I chuckled. "You are the best girlfriend in the whole wide world! Why didn't come sooner in my life!? It's okay. God had his perfect plan for us!" Niall said. "Wow babe. You are really drunk are you?" I said. "I'm not that drunk, but yes i'm drunk." Niall said. "I was with Louis for a while, but he disappeared. I don't know where he went." Niall was saying. "Oh I found him!" Niall said. "Louis! Louis!"He said. "Say hi to Kayla!!!" Niall said. "Kayla!!! Hiii!! Oh my god I miss you! " Louis said. Wait didn't they just have a concert? "How did your concert go?" I asked. "PERFECT like always!! I love me fans! I love Selena too! And Anna! and you!" Louis said. "Hey man! I love her too." I hear Niall in the back ground. "We all love Kayla and Selena! And Katy!! Where is Katy? Harry and her are something aren't they?" Louis asked. "Heck yeah mate." I hear Niall.

The baby monitor started to light up, realizing that Anna was awake. "Anna just woke up!" I said to both of them. "Anna?!" Louis question/yelled. "Yup. I'm babysitting her!!" I said. I picked Anna up as she wasn't cry but she was giggling. "Hey baby." I spoke to her. "Aw. Anna baby! I love you so much! I know you're not my daughter, and I am not your daddy, but I love you so much!!!" Louis said. "Anna!" Niall said. "Anna! Hi. I know you can't see me, but hi!!!!!" I started to laugh. "They love you Anna." I smiled to her. She started to chuckle.

"Alright boys. Anna and I got to go. Time to feed her." I said as we went to the kitchen. "Noooo!! I love you Kayla!I'll see you soon!! Pretty soon my love!" Niall said as he was slurring the words. "Bye babe!!" I said as I hang up.

"Don't they love us?" I see Anna as I shake her food. She giggled.


"How was she?" Selena came in. "Perfect." I said. "She's sleeping again." I said as I looked at her. "Good. I was about to shower anyways." Selena said. "Niall called me right, and he was drunk." I said. "Niall drunk? What he say?" Selena chuckled. "Louis and Niall said a lot of I love you's mostly to Anna." I chuckle. "Those boys are crazy." Selena laughed as she got herself some OJ. "But we love them. Oh, and Louis says he misses you as well." I said. "Aw. I miss him too." Selena chuckled. "Alright then. I gotta go. Hey do you know when Katy is coming back?" I asked. "Um, I think in 2 days? Yeah 2 days." Selena said. "Alright, cause I just wanted to see where were the keys. But i think I know already." I said as I was getting to leave. "Alright. I'll go now. I'll see you later." I said as I was walking out the door kind of. "Bye! and thank you again!" All I heard from Selena right when I closed the door.

Author's note:

Kind of a long chapter? yeah no?

what you think? :)

Oh, and I decided that I will do a sequel, and that i'm ending this book on Thursday, and uploading a chapter on Friday of the sequel. :)

Enjoy! <3.

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