chapter eight

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I followed the woman as she motioned out of the office the beta helping mine out the door. As soon as we where far enough away a large slap hit the back of my head. But before I could growl the woman started talking.
"So he's the one,"she said lazily pointing at me.
"Yes ma'm he's her second chance mate, "the beta said smiling.
"Dang it he just had to ruin our longest streak yet,"the lady grumbled.
"Excuse my mother she means demis streak of being incident free,"she laughs out dryly.
"How the hell is she like that,"I ask honestly curious.
"You really are stupid aren't you,"the mother says looking me in the face", I'm all lycan alpha and so was her father we didn't know this about each other until demi was ready to pop out half way through a normal werewolf pregnancy."
"So enough about demi , how many girls have you slept with this month?"the woman asks casually catching me off guard.
"MOM YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT!!!"the beta whisper shouts.
"What, demi already knows I want in the loop too,"she says innocently.
"Twen-wait how does demi know I haven't even spoken to her,"I ask getting mad
"First of all she's the most powerful wolf in the world you really think she can't smell them on you, plus demi has people in every pack what makes you any different, "the beta says bitterly.
"What kinda people?" I ask nervous.
"All those pack sluts you slept with yeah they report to demi,"the beta says with a smirk.
"But what about demis rule I thought you had to be faithful to your mate found or not,"I say trying to explain it away.
"The girls voluntarily do this but they're mates must be dead or rejected, "she pauses smiling wickedly ", so suspicious mates can come to demi for reports if a mates unfaithful demi will know about it, she has males to. Demi has people everywhere,"she smirks.
"Fix her,"Is all her mother said rising and preparing to leave when a snarl rips through the house. We all stand when large paws are heard coming down the stairs followed by multiple small steps. Demi stands in the door way, ex-mate dangling from her jaws panicking as her body will not fit through the opening she just slams the man off the door way spitting him out. Demi turned trotting out the front door followed by all the pups.
"You son of a biscuit, you always push your luck don't you, "Candice grits through her teeth.
" I just want to apologize to her then we can be together, "he says as Candice charges grabbing his throat.
"Beta to you bbbbuuuuttttt if you don't comply I could always call demi back and we all know how she handles you being disrespectful, "she finished with a smirk.
"You wouldn't dare," he challenged. Suddenly Candice lets out a howl of despair before beginning to fake cry as we hear demi in human form approaching quickly.

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