They laughed again, something they did a lot. It was almost all they did.

"Dammit, again!?" Jean muttered under his breath when he saw the two lying on the floor, blocking his entrance.

He stepped over the both of them, his foot grazing Sasha's cheek, before grumbling his way to a seat in the back. Marco followed him, smiling sheepishly at Connie and Sasha.

"Let's get a seat at the back too!" Connie cheered as he jumped to his feet. They both rushed to the very back corner. It wasn't that far a walk, despite the size of the city they lived in, all of their classes were about the size of a high school electives class, in number of students and square feet. It was a low-funded community college after all.

"Alright class!" Prof. Zoe clapped her hands together, she was so fired up her cheeks were flushed and her glasses were fogged up. "Let's begin!"


"Damn that was boring." Ymir moaned, stretching back into the booth they were sitting at.

The bar they normally went to was cheap, badly lit, and the drinks were terrible. But they were students so it's not like there was anyplace better.

"Prof. Smith talked forever-." Sasha replied, she was slumped down on the other side of the booth next to Connie.

"I heard that Professor Zoë is engaged to Mr. Ackerman." Krista piped in.

"Really? The janitor?" Ymir exclaimed quizzically.

"I heard that too." Connie said.

"I feel like beer tonight." Added Sasha, completely off topic like the rest of their conversation.

"Alright! Four glasses of beer on Sasha!" Ymir declared.

"Whaaat!?" Sasha exclaimed, "why am I paying!?"

"Don't worry Sasha, I'll pay for half like the gentleman I am." Connie said, pointing a thumb at his chest and grinning proudly.

"Gentleman my ass." Sasha shoved Connie lightly.

Their conversation continued along those lines until Connie went to the bathroom. The moment he left, Krista and Ymir both grinned maniacally at each other, then at Sasha.

"So," Ymir began.

"You like him right?" Krista finished, her eyes shining madly.

"What?" Sasha's eyes widened. "No?"

"That didn't sound like a no to me." Ymir said,

"No it didn't." Krista said back.

"No." Sasha said again, "I mean, I can't."

"I get it. He's a shorty." Ymir responded nodding.

"Im a shorty." Krista said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but you're adorable." Ymir replied, reaching down and hugging the blonde girl tightly.

"That's not what I mean," Sasha interrupted, before they could start throwing their PDA around like glitter. "Connie's my best friend, I can't screw that up."

"Ymir's my best friend." Krista said, "and look at us."

"And it was twice as hard for this to happen cuz we're both girls." Ymir added.

"But we're still fine," Krista smiled at Sasha. "It'll happen eventually, it's impossible to be that close to someone without developing some feelings for them. You'll think that you're both normal friends but then one day, bam, you're into them."

Connie returned from the bathroom and Sasha shrugged what her roommates had said out of her brain.


Connie and Sasha walked home in the dark, the tall girl leaning against Connie's shoulder.

"You drank too much." Connie stated, balancing Sasha as carefully as he could.

Sasha giggled, "okaaaaay" she drawled. She had an incredibly weak stomach for alcohol. And one and a half glasses of beer was enough to do her in.

Sasha slipped and sat on the ground, still laughing.

Connie reached down and somehow managed to pull her onto his shoulders in a piggy back ride despite the different height ratio.

"This is a one time thing, got it?" He said, carrying her down the street they'd been running up that morning.

"Connie," Sasha giggled, "your hair ran away!"

"So it did." Connie replied humorously.

And it was in the moment of silence that followed that Sasha understood what Krista had meant, the words she'd said all clicking together.

Sasha craned her neck until her chin was on Connie's shoulder.

"Bam." she whispered.

Weird-Ass Ninja Boss Couple (a springles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now