Chapter 1

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A/N: Heeeeeey, Ive got a new fanfic happening. (As if I still don't need to finish my first one) Its springles, or Connie x Sasha if you like putting effort into saying stuff. Jabberwock10  has inspired me with their amazing support, (srsly, thank you so much! I don't deserve so many compliments.) so Ive taken her advice in starting another aot/snk story. (Sorry, I'm incapable of finding good ideas for Armin x Annie.) Also, please don't judge the title, its kinda what came to mind when I thought of the two. This'll be from Third person POV and I'll be trying a more modern setting. Anyways, that was a shitload of Author commentary so Im gonna shut up and do the writing.


Sasha launched herself out of her hiding place and threw her arms around Connie's neck in an effort to surprise him.

"What was that sound!?" Connie yelled jokingly referring to her earlier battle cry.

They both laughed and began walking towards the college they attended.

"Krista texted, she says her and Ymir are going out for drinks after English Lit. They want to know if we're going too."

"Hell yeah." Connie said enthusiastically, one would assume he was really into bars or Sasha's two roommates, but he was really just that enthusiastic. Which worked well with Sasha rarely serious personality.

Sasha pulled out her phone to text Krista back, glancing at the time after hitting send.

"Shiiit!" She said way too loudly.

"Whoa, language!" Connie said, elbowing her in the ribs.

Sasha giggled, and then continued;

"Its 10:42! We're gonna have to help with those weird demonstrations for being late again!" She groaned.

"Not if we run." Connie smiled mischievously.

"Wanna race?"


They both grinned and prepared to bolt to the campus,

"Ah, but you forgot one thing," Connie added.

"What?" Sasha threw back, getting ready to kick Connie's ass.

Connie wrapped his arms around Sasha's stomach and lifted her up, moving her several inches behind him before bolting.

"You might be taller, but Im stronger!" He yelled as he sprinted down the street.

Sasha laughed and sprinted after him.


The two reached the classroom almost simultaneously, leaving their results at a draw. The two collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily.

"Did... we make it?" Sasha asked Prof. Zoë, their advanced sciences professor. Their weren't any other sciences for their year, the dean just wanted to make everyone feel smarter by adding stuff to the classroom titles, (such as English Lit. A class where no literature of any kind took place.

"You're 10minutes early, good job!" Their professor's eyes gleamed behind her square rimmed glasses. "You're enthusiasm has convinced me that you two are worthy of helping with my demonstration today. We'll be learning how to correctly feed blueberries to weasels. "

The excited science proffesor gestured to a box of blueberries and a cage holding two very angry weasels that had been balanced precariously on the stacks of paper left on her desk.

Connie groaned loudly and Sasha rolled onto her back, her long ponytail sprawling out on the cheap tile floor.

"We probably should've checked what time class started." She said rolling her head so she was facing Connie, who was also lying on his back with his feet pointing opposite from her feet.

Weird-Ass Ninja Boss Couple (a springles fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя