Chapter 34

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Courtney's POV

The warlord had a very angel quality. He even looked angelic. I even imagined him as an angel. Quite a shame how he was so beautiful but had no wings or a halo atop his head.

He also seemed harmless. The way he looked so relaxed in his throne, the kind look in his violet eyes, I could tell he was a peacefull vampire.

I couldn't get over the violet color of his eyes. Perhaps he had red eyes and had blue contacts over them. Or maybe it's a defect. All I knew was that he had gorgeous eyes.

I slowly approached his throne and stopped when I felt I had come close enough.

"Hello Courtney," he said in the angelic voice I had expected.

"Hello do you know my name?"

"Same as I know Ross. Through Maia."

"Who's Maia? How does she know me?"

"Long story short she's the one who turned Ross into a vampire and still watches over him."

I shuddered. How creepy to know someone was watching us all this time.

"Why have you come to see me?" he asked.

"May I ask you a question?"

"You just did," he answered with a chuckle.

"Will you execute me?"

His face turned serious. He no longer looked like the kind angel he was when I walked in.

"Execute you? You've done nothing wrong!"

"This isn't the life I was meant to live."

"I refuse to execute you."

"What?! Why?!"

"You've done nothing to disturb the public and reveal our secret."

"But that's why you have to exacute me! I'm not going to live with a secret!"


He gave a gesture to the man in the cloak to take me away. I felt a hand grab my arm and pulled it away. The man in the cloak picked me up and carried me out as I struggled to be released from his grasp.

DistressedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora