Chapter 12

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Ross's POV

That didn't help calm me down at all. It only made it worse. I ran away as fast as I possibly could. It only took four seconds for me to run a mile away from Laura. I've never ran that fast before. I kept running since Laura was probably chasing me.

I felt rain start to pour down on me. Maia was here. That was a good sign. I kept running trying to find her. I could hear Laura shouting my name. She was close. Too close. I tried to run faster but I couldn't run any faster than I already was. I hid. I kept looking out for Laura or Maia maybe even Courtney. I could hear footsteps. Then Laura appeared.

Where is he? she thought. "ROSS!"

I didn't move an inch at the sound of my name. The rain beat down on her hard and came down harder every few seconds. Maia was close and not happy.

Watch this, Maia thought.

I watched her come out of nowhere and pin Laura to the ground. I hesitated and came out from the bushes and trees.

"Go!" Maia commanded, "go find Courtney!"

I ran away leaving a fight between Laura and Maia behind. I could hear them shouting and growling at each other.

I started shouting Courtney's name. I hoped she was close enough that she could hear me. I got to the beach and fell on my knees again but this time I didn't cry. I looked around scanning for people and vampires. A tall female came into my vision. She had the same body shape as Courtney.

I think I found her, I thought. A tiny smile grew on my face as I got up and walked her way.

I hugged her from behind. Then that's when I discovered it wasn't Courtney. I was hugging a human. I felt sudden thirst take over me and quickly pulled back.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I thought you were someone else."

"It's okay," she said with a heavy Italian accent.

I walked away. Or at least I tried to. I felt thirst and smelled the sweet scent of daisies coming off the woman. After a few seconds of trying to ignore my thirst I lost control of myself.

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