Talk Of Saving You

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Sorry j haven't updated in ages I've been super busy with exams and rehearsals!
Ella :))


"Jack?" I open the doors of the TARDIS, and find an empty console room. I call out for Jack again, and walk to the centre of the room. Suddenly he appears at the door
"Rosie!" He smiles and I run at him. He grips me in a tight hug "Lover boy win you over then?" He asks, referring to the Doctor. I sigh
"Not exactly." I sigh but don't let go of him. "I missed you." I say, and bury my face in his shoulder. He hugs me tighter and pats my back
"Missed you too." He says. Suddenly a small brown haired girl appears at the door. I let go of Jack and he swivels around.
"Oh, Clara. This is Rose." He says. She lets out a small sigh, obviously relieved I wasn't just a hook up of Jack's.
"Hi Rose." She smiles and we shake hands.
"Hello Clara." I smile back. Suddenly the TARDIS doors open behind us and I swivel round to find the Doctor in the doorway. I smile loosely at Jack and Clara "I'm going to see Matty." I say. I walk out the console room. I don't know if I can face the Doctor right now.


"You okay?" Jack asks as I walk in to the console room. Rose just left quickly at the sight of me. We need I talk, I'm worried I'm loosing her. I nod at Jack.
"What's up with Rose?" Clara asks. I look at her for the first time in ages. She really is very pretty. Not as beautiful as Rose in my eyes but very pretty. Her dainty features fit perfectly on her slightly rounded face, her eyes are chocolate and the shape of almonds. Her nose is slightly hooked and her lips thin and tinted. Brunette locks fall to her shoulders, and I realise how small she is. Smaller than Rose. Clara's approximately...5ft 2 to he exact. I stop staring immediately.
"She's fine, really." I swallow and looks at Jack who's shaking his head.
"I know something's up so you may as well just tell us." He says. Clara nods. I can't help but trust her just as much as Jack.
"She's..." I start but shake my head "If she wants to tell you, she will. I need to speak to her. You can stay out here, or go to the pool."
"There's a pool?" Clara exclaims excitedly.
"And a spa." Jack smiles.
"Lets go then!" Clara smiles.
"Swimsuits and everything you need is right by the pool which is out that door," I point to the door on the left "turn left, keep walking and you'll reach and archway, walk through ad there'll be another archway on your right. Have fun." I say, and walk briskly out the console room. I need to find Rose. First stop, Matty's bedroom. I push open the door and find him sat on the floor engrossed in constructing a rocket out of old yogurt pots, and some LED lights...and a spanner with some coiled copper wire.
"Hello little man." I smile at him and he turns round with a grin on his face.
"Daddy! Look what I made so far!" He says, pointing to his half constructed rocket.
"That's brilliant!" I say, and kneel in front of him and ruffle his hair.
"If you're looking for mummy, she left 2minutes and 16seconds ago, saying something about the library." He smiles. I nod at his intelligent mind and thank him before laying a kiss on his head and leaving to find Rose.
It doesn't take me long or find her. She wasn't in the library, but I found her jacket in there so she must've been there recently. I found her a few seconds ago. She's in her old room, the one she used to sleep in before moving in with me. She's curled on the bed, hugging herself among the pink sheets, shaking. I know she's crying, silently. I move as silent as a mouse across the room, slip of my shoes, and before she registers I'm here, curl up behind her. She jumps a bit at the contact but doesn't move much. I curl myself around her back, and lay my hand around her waist, settling it on her stomach. She's stuff for a few seconds but then gives in and relAxes against me, knowing that's its me without uncurling herself. I gently prise the duvet from over her head and hug her shaking body. She wipes away tears and keeps her gaze fixed on the wall.
"What're you thinking?" I whisper against her hair.
"About the master. About what he did to us." She says quietly.
"I thought we'd put that behind us." I say, curling closer against her.
"I still had nightmares about it." She says.
"You do?" I ask "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because obviously it's even a while since it happened, and I thought you'd be annoyed."
"Annoyed? Rose, I know it's hard to let those memories go, and they will probably never go. But I can help you get over that, if you'd told me before j could helped earlier on." I say. She turns around on the bed to face me. Our faces are inches apart, I can feel her breath on my face.
"Will you help get rid of them? Tonight?" She says. I nod.
"Of course I will."
"Doctor, I've been thinking about what we said earlier, and I definitely don't want an abortion. But if worst comes to worst I know I'll have to think about it. But for now just do everything you can to save me and we'll try and get out this mess." Rose says. I smile.
"Okay." I say. She leans closer, we're so close now, maybe a few mm at her most.
"I love you, my Doctor." She moves a hand up I curl in my hair. I smile and reply
"And I love you, my Rose." I lean in and she presses her lips to mine softly. I move my lips gently against hers, and with every kiss her breath ghosts against my lips, making me hold her even closer. She breaks for air shortly after.
"I'll fix this, I'll save you." I say full if determination and love for my pink and yellow human.
"I know you will." Rose says, meaning as much as what I just said to her.
"And ill fix something else too." I smile.
"What?" She asks.
"Follow me." I say, and get up and take her hand, ready to lead her to my plan.

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