Chapter 2

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I woke up as the plane landed, bouncing on its wheels. Had I really been asleep for the whole flight? Oh well I didn't care. I squealed excitedly but maybe a bit to loudly as there were a couple of glances from the other passengers. I just smiled at them. The moment the seatbelt signs pinged off, everyone was out of their seats and reaching for things in the overhead lockers and under seats I scraped my hair up into a high ponytail hanging limp and straight down past my waist. I pulled my case from under the seat and slung my rucksack over my shoulder.
After breezing through the airport, I stepped out into the night sky, even at this time of night it was warm. I heard someone calling my name from the other side of the road and I look up to see, 'grandma!' I yelled excitedly rushing over the road to hug her. I'm so tall and skinny that I had to bend down to hug grandma's short plump figure. Grandma quickly shoved me into a taxi and it drove off into the night.

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