Chapter 2

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I woke up this morning really easily. I wondered why. Oh yeah. Because it didn't even feel like I slept. I literally feel like I only slept for an hour. But on the bright side my mom was still awake at 6 in the morning. Haha.

The best way for me to wake up fully is texting. Or at less looking at the big bright light coming from my screen.

So I'm checking snapchat and hate that I have to catch the bus. So I think of all the clothes that I have and instantly decide what to wear.

I put on my long sleeve Minnie Mouse shirt with blue jeggjngs and my black boots, with a gray sweater. (Literally that's exactly how my morning went😂) and yes I did decide on my clothes that easily.

I realized I only had about 5 minutes so I hurried up and got ready. Since I already knew what to wear, it didn't take me long. At 6:27 I was out the door.

"Oh you better run," my mom said while laying on the couch lookin like a queen.

"Mhm," I rolled my eyes.

Half way to the bus stop I saw the lights that belonged to the bus and I ran towards it. I barely made it. Then it took me about 15 minutes to get to school.


By the time I got to school I found myself looking for.....I forgot her name. Shit! If she finds me, she's gonna kill me.

Holy fuck I see her. What should I do? You know what it's too late anyways. She already saw me. And she's coming this way.

"Hey Paul," she squealed.

"Hi, how you been?" I asked, trying to dodge my problems.

I swear it's on the tip of my tongue. UGHHH! I'm so stupid😩. Like I know it starts with an L that's for sure.

"I've been good, how about you," she asked sweetly.


"Hey bitch!!!" I was interrupted by a golden brown haired girl.

"Hi hoe," L said happily.

I laughed at how they got along and her friend just left.

"Sorry haha but what were you sayin," L said.

"Oh nothing just that I'm good," I said.

"Oh ok umm what lunch do you have?" She asked me


"Really? I've never seen you. I have that lunch too," she said surprised.

"Yeah it's cause I'm in my teachers class. I just go get food and go back right away," I told her.

"Oh well why don't you come eat with me and my friends," she offered.

I wasn't really sure about that. I mean like we just met.

"Uhhh," I hesitated.

"Oh come one pleeeeaaaasssse it'll be fun," she begged.

"Alright fine,"

"YES! Thank you,"

"Hey guys, my friend is gonna hang out with us. I met him yesterday," I said.

I was talking to my friends at our usual spot where we eat, which I already told Paul where we meet.

"Is he cute?" My friend Mariana said.

"HELLA," I responded smiling cheekily,"oh look here he comes"

I was just looking at him for about 5 seconds hoping he would see me. But he wasn't so I decided to stand up. Then after 2 seconds he smiled and walked over to me. I am so glad he found me.

"Hi!" I greeted him with a hug.

"Hey girl," he said in a weird way and I laughed at how he called me.

I told him to sit at the end of the table with me on the my right side and so he did. I introduced him to all my friends.

"The red hair is Mariana, you already met Desiree from this morning, and that's Yesica," I said and he said hi to every single one of them by shaking their hand.

Yesica has long, brown, and straight hair. And she (her body) starts jumping when she laughs too hard. It's pretty funny actually.

"So how was class so far," I asked Paul.

"It was fine," he answered.

"Well let me just tell you that for me it was terrible,"


"Because my teachers are so freaking annoying, luckily we only have 2 classes left for the day,"


"Yeah," I sighed.

Then while we were eating Desiree is taking a bite of food and Paul yells my name out loud, and Desiree chokes on her food. I start padding her back, since she was next to me to my left, to make her feel better then when she's not choking anymore I start to laugh and call her a dumbass.

"Haha shut up," Desiree laughs.

While we were all eating I was trying to remember her name. None of her friends have said it so I was freaking screwed. I tried my hardest to remember....




















LESLIE!!!! I said in my head. Then her friend Desiree, wow what the fuck I remember her name, started choking.

"HAHAHAHA dumbass," Leslie said.

"Haha shut up," Desiree responded.

Then Leslie turned to me ,"I knew you forgot my name,"

Oh shit. I think I said that out loud.


Sorry I know it's short but I felt like it was best to end it here. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy and keep reading my book. 😁

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