Chapter 2

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"JACK JACK JACK!" I groaned as I heard my name being called. I rubbed my eyes before slowly sitting up. Yawning as I continued to rub at my tired eyes. Trying to force them open.

"Jack come down here now!" Felix screamed through the house. I wondered why he needed me so badly. And why he has to wake me up at... Wait what time is it? I checked my phone and saw that it was a little after nine. Still a little early in my book so I wondered why he needed me at this hour. When I was about to get up I realized why needed me. The dating website. I had totally forgotten that some people have requested to go out with me.  And now I have to deal with an over excited Felix. I groaned at the thought before I got up my bed and shuffled my way toward the living room. Seeing my friend slouched over on the couch as he stares at his laptop with a smile. That is before he turned his head towards me and his smile grew wider.

"Jack you will not believe how many people are interested to date you! Come over and look at them with me!" He was super happy just as I predicted. I only yawned and made my way over to him and plopped down on the couch next to him. "Let's just get this over with," I groaned.

Felix just smiled and went down to the people that have requested to go out with me. There was four people. One more than last night when I checked. Felix then clicked on the first person which happened to be a girl. She had a nice tan to her and dark curly hair.

"She likes sunsets and flowers. She also likes to dabble in video games here and there. She's also straight," Felix read the description and sexuality out loud to me. He looked over to me waited for my response on the girl. I shook my head. "Last couple of people I went out with were girls... Let's try a guy instead," I responded. I don't even know why I said that. I mean it was true but I shouldn't be encouraging Felix to find me a date. This just only gave my friend more hope to find someone for me.

I watched Felix deny the request and then deny two other requests which left one person left. I'm guessing the other two were women too which means this was the only male that was interested in me. Felix clicked on his profile and I looked at the mans picture. He has blue hair that looked almost styled as mine but different. He also wore glasses and had quite the stubble. "He loves playing video games, making friends and singing. He's also bisexual," Felix read out loud to me.

He then looked over to me and waited for my answer. I only looked at the mans picture. Sure he was good looking. And he had my fashion sense. But of course I shook my head at my friend. Felix sighed and instead of actually denying the request he just closed his laptop. He then stood up and picked up his laptop and I watched him walk down the hall into his room.

I didn't mean to upset Felix. But I just don't want my heart broken again. I've been through too many relationships to know that it'll end up horrible. It'll end up us breaking up. It saddens me to say that but it's true. They'll hate the fact that I'm asexual. Even better that I'm a sex-repulsed asexual. The thought of me and sex together just makes me so uncomfortable. It makes me want to vomit. I just want a relationship where we can just cuddle and make out and just hang out. A relationship where you don't need to have sex to show your love to your partner. But society today thinks that sex is everything and that it's really the true way to show love. However it's not. I want to show my love through different methods. But I've never been able to do that with my past relationships since they've thought sex was the true meaning to show love. Society is fucked up.

I heard Felix's door open which caused me to stop thinking. I watched him walk over to the couch and instead of sitting he stood in front of me. His facial expression full of guilt as he tapped his fingers on his thighs. "So... Don't get mad at me but I did something," he quietly said. My brows furrowed and I crossed my arms. I leaned back onto the couch to get a better look at him. I tried to read his mind. Wanting to know what he did that'll piss me off but I couldn't put my finger on it. "I can't promise anything," I finally replied.

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