"I'll take her home." Harry spoke softly.

I instinctively shifted behind Tom, fearful of the male who was desperately staring at me. He looked hurt. Hurt that I was taking refuge with someone else instead of him.

"Best not mate; I think she's still a bit shaken up." Tom leant forward, squeezing his shoulder in reassurance.

A glimpse of fear sparked in the mossy green of his eyes, visibly swallowing.

"Let me say goodbye to her." Harry instructed.

His vision darted up to Tom's when I was still obstructed by his body. Harry frowned, his tone deepening, eyebrows knitting together.

"Tom, she's still my girlfriend."

I felt exposed as my defence left me standing on my own. My head dropped to the floor, feeling ill-prepared to come so close with the person who had inflicted furious anger minutes before. Threatening tears watered in my eyes as I caught a glimpse of Harry wiping the blood from his knuckles to his jeans. Moments later, a careful touch tilted my chin up.

I couldn't understand, he looked like an angel. Sparkling eyes, pink pouted lips. How could such anger and hatred come from someone so breath-taking? I gently encouraged his warmth away from my face. My hand rose to carefully remove the grey material of his hood, allowing his soft curls to escape and tousle lightly in the wind. As I studied him, I came to alarmingly discover small flecks of red splashed onto his white top which his plaid shirt revealed.

I gulped as he cautiously leant down to me, my head turning ever so slightly. It wasn't the first time I had denied his kiss. Harry paused; hurt lacing his beautiful features as his warm lips pressed to the corner of my mouth. He didn't have to travel far before his laboured voice reached my ear.

"I love you, Bo." Harry whispered.

My breath seemed to hitch, my cheek brushing with his as we became intimately close. His hushed statement dumbed my body. I'd never heard anyone admit anything with quite such raw emotion.

"Say it." Harry quietly begged. "Please...tell me that you love me."

My body flinched as he grabbed hold of my hand, smearing what was left of the blood onto my skin. I desperately looked to Tom who moved forward with my urgent gaze. Harry's touch slipped from mine in defeat. Tom not being able to replace the empty feeling as he gently pulled me away from Harry. Brown eyes attempted to catch my attention that repeatedly wandered back to the bloodied angel.

"Go and wait by the door."

I nodded, following his instructions. My feet carrying me around the corner, but I lingered, my back pressing to the cool brick as I listened covertly to the conversation.

"Fuck." Harry cursed. "I've lost her."

I intruded blindly to the words being exchanged.

"No, no, she's just in shock. Don't worry, she'll come around." Tom reassured.

"She's scared of me, I could see it in her eyes. She didn't want me to touch her."

"Bo will be fine, she's stronger than you give her credit for."

There was a pause.

"I love her."

I turned my body, fingers clasping the corner bricks to peer around. Harry's head was hung until he brought it up to meet Tom's focus. A sharp breath expelled from my body as Harry's eyes instantly fell on me. He looked hurt, unsure of what to do.

"You'll call me when she's home safe."

"Of course."

"Thanks, Tom...for everything."

"No worries."

I watched as the two men said goodbye. Harry curiously observed me as I emerged from my sheltered position, drawing what little courage I had left. Tom met me half way, taking my hand in his, beginning to lead me down the alley.

"Come on, Bo."

But I couldn't leave, not like this. Harry had spent too long in search of something nobody had seemed brave enough to give him. Love. My fingers slipped away as Tom spoke my name in confusion.

My body ignored the sound, taking hesitant strides towards the tall figure left in the darkness. The hood had been tugged back up, concealing the ringlets I ached to run my fingers through. Bright eyes were intently watching my movements. There was no point in being timid now; my hand hooking around the back of Harry's neck. A gasp escaped, my lips pressing a delicate kiss to the warmth of his cheek.

As quickly as it had happened I was walking away, back to a waiting Tom. He held his hand out with a smile, quickly accepting the gesture we made our way out towards the road. But not before allowing myself one last glance; my head twisting to witness the towering frame of a male emerge from the shadows.

"I love you." I mouthed.

The unmistakeable curve to his full lips warmed my heart as he silently echoed my words.

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