"That- amazing." I tell her mom and she nods, grinning.

"Okay, you guys discuss this. I have to go help with the models." she disappears behind the stage curtain quickly.

Harry rolls his eyes, not even lifting his head up once. I make my way over to him.

"Harry, kill the tude, will ya?" I lightly smack him on the arm.

"You're not gonna be a model. Not as long as I'm with you." he scoffs, shuffling around in his chair. I shrug off his comment and sit in between him and Niall.

The lights turn off and the spotlights turn on.

"Fuck that, my girlfriend is not going on Victoria fucking Secret posters. Nope," I over hear Niall say to Amanda and Harry lets out a quiet giggle along with it.

Amanda looks at me with the "i'm so done with these fucking boys literally stop now." eyes.

After the show, my mood suddenly changes because I noticed how Harry was intently watching the blond models. Like Gigi and Cara.

Especially Cara.

it pissed me off how he kept licking his lips.

What the fuck? maybe I just should have left him at the penthouse.

But I ignore the annoying thoughts and fake my smile through out backstage.

Kendall leads us all into a big room that's full of bean bags, couches and chairs.

On one of the couches are Cara and Gigi. They wave at us, smiling sweetly.

I'm surprised they're actually nice. From what I've heard, they can be a bit exclusive and bitchy, but apparently not.

"We've heard about you girls. You up for a shoot?" Cara's British accent rings through the air. Right as we sit down on the couches, Harry's head flies up, staring at the blond.

Oh, the British. But he doesn't say anything.

"And.. who are these lovely lads?" Cara laughs, putting her wine glass to her lips.
They're all wearing leggings and a baggy sweatshirt because why not.

Amanda and Cherry policy- dress up but always be prepared to dress down.

It's the code.

"Oh, these are their boyfriends. Harry and Niall," Kendall introduces them.

As Amanda's off talking about some magazine that I've never heard of with Gigi and Niall , Kendall and Cara sit close to me on one of the couches.

"Your boyfriend is quite," Cara laughs and Kendall examines my ring.

"He doesn't like people," I joke and the two girls laugh. Harry doesn't show any emotion what so ever.

Not surprised.

"I'm sure you're just kidding," Kendall giggles.

"No, she's serious," he looks up from his phone and I watch as Cara's smile grows.

"You're from the U.K?"

"Yeah," he nods.

"Where you from?" She asks.

Why am I getting angry?

I don't want her talking to him, I know he likes blondes I just know it.

"Cheshire. And from the accent, I can tell you're from London." Harry actually puts effort into his conversation.

I'm just sitting her stunned that he's actually responding.

"No way. Do you know the Winchesters?" Cara looks fascinated with MY BOYFRIEND.


"Yeah," Harry sits up. "Molly Winchester?" He laughs.

"Yes! She's my cousin's best friend." Cara gapes and I'm ready to just leave and go back home already.

I get it. They're models.


Harry lets out a laugh.


What the hell? Harry never likes strangers.

"Small world, huh?" Kendall laughs and I nod.

"I guess so," cara smiles, watching Harry intently.

She's attracted to him.

"Haven't been back home since I was fourteen, it was my last visit." Harry spills and cara makes a pouty face.

I've never really realized how connected Harry is with England. Why has he never mentioned it?

"I was there last week. I basically go back on all of my breaks actually. Cherry, where are you from again?" Cara turns to me.

I'm glad to know she sees someone else in the room besides for Harry.

"Harry and I both live in Tulsa. But I was born here in New York." I explain and she nods.

"Cali babeeesss," Kendall shrieks and Amanda looks back at her quickly.

"Fuck yeah!" Amanda laughs then turns back to convo with Gigi.

Amanda was born in Beverly Hills.

Not much of a surprise to be honest.

"So, Harry, is it?" Cara turns back to him

He nods. "Yeah."

"You have any single friends?" She jokes.

At least I think she's joking.

Can she just stop talking to him?

"Ehm, no not really," Harry scratches his head, smiling back at the girl.


Oh no no no. No


I stand up quickly, pretending to check an important message.

"Oh, shit guys! I have a hair appointment in 10 minutes," I grab my bag from the floor.

Kendall and Cara look up at me. "Noo. Leaving so soon?" Kendall asks.

"Yeah, but call and we'll make plans this week. Okay?" I hug them all goodbye but Amanda decides to stay with them a bit longer with Niall.

But Harry doesn't stand up after me.

"Harry, get up." I nudge him and he looks up at me.

"Cher, does it look like I wanna go to your hair appointment?" He scoffs but I literally pull him up by his T-shirt and drag him out of the room after saying goodbye.

I'm pissed.

closing the door behind us, I literally glare at Harry with my special devil glare.

"That's fucking scary, Cher." Harry's attitude is getting worse by the minute.

I just groan, rummaging through my bag to find the car keys.

I honestly don't even feel like talking to him.

"That Cara chick was pretty chill, don't you think?" Harry opens the passenger door.

That's when hell breaks loose.

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