Chapter 2.20 (Dobby, the free elf)

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So I'm on a roll. Mainly because school starts this week so I wanted this book out before then.

Good news! I have decided to continue this story, mainly because I can't think of little else but what Ara is going to do next.

So thank you all for your support. All the votes and comments are definitely appreciated.

Next year will be third year and I have decided to call that book: 'The Man with Black Blood' so make sure to check it out.

Also I might be starting some love stories in that book so please do tell me your ships and I'll see what I can do.

One more thing: is everyone enjoying the Marauders and Heirs chapters because I'm planning on writing more but I'm sort of without inspiration for them at the moment so if anyone has any ideas...please, I beg of you, comment them. I'd love to hear your input.

Love you all and good luck this school year! I know I'll need it.
Love from Pip!

Those who dare to fail miserably
can achieve greatly ~John F. Kennedy

"Professor Dumbledore," Harry said hurriedly. "Can I give that diary back to Mr. Malfoy, please?" Harry asked Dumbledore.

"Certainly, Harry," Dumbledore said calmly. "But hurry, the feast, remember..."

Harry grabbed the diary and ran after Lucius. Artemis could hear Dobby's squeals of pain receding around the corner, so she dashed after him. "Harry, I don't know what you're planning but I don't think it's such a good idea."

Harry stopped to take of his shoes. He pulled of his sock and stuffed the diary into it. Then he pulled Artemis with him and they ran down the dark corridor. "Mr. Malfoy," Harry gasped, skidding to a halt. "I've got something for you....."

And he forced the smelly sock into Lucius's hand. "What the...." Lucius ripped the sock off the diary, threw it aside, then looked furiously from the ruined book to Harry. "You'll meet the same sticky end as your parents one of these days, Harry Potter." He said softly. "They were meddlesome fools, too." He turned to go. "Come, Dobby. I said, come." But Dobby didn't move. He was holding up Harry's disgusting sock and looking at it as though it were a priceless treasure.

"Master has given a sock." Said the elf in wonderment. "Master gave it to Dobby."

"What's that?" Spat Lucius. "What did you say?"

"Got a sock." Said Dobby in disbelief. "Master threw it, and Dobby caught it, and Dobby.....Dobby is free."

Lucius stood frozen, staring at the elf. Then he lunged at Harry. "You've lost me my servant, boy!"

"You shall not harm, Harry Potter!" Dobby shouted. There was a loud bang and Lucius was thrown backwards. He crashed down the stairs, three at a time, landing on the ground below. "Mother is not going to like that." Artemis giggled.

Lucius got up, his face livid. He pulled out his wand but Dobby raised a long, threatening finger. "You shall go now!" He said fiercely, pointing down at Artemis's uncle. "You shall not touch Harry Potter or Artemis Lupin. You shall go now."

"Oh, and uncle," Artemis said, putting emphasis on uncle. "About my mother...Some people are just beautifully wrapped boxes full of shit. Because you are not my daddy either."

Lucius looked shocked but Dobby was still pointing at him so he had no choice but to swing his cloak around him and with one last murderous glare, he hurried out of sight. "Harry Potter freed Dobby!" Said the elf shrilly, gazing up at Harry, moonlight fron the nearest window reflected in his orb-like eyes. "Harry Potter set Dobby free!"

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