Chapter 2.16 (The beast of Slytherin)

Start from the beginning

Arithmancy Septima Vector
Predicting the future using numbers and the facts of past occurences.

Care for Magical Creatures Silvanus Kettleburn
Students learn about a wide range of magical creatures. Students are taught about feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of these various Creatures.

Divination Sybill Trelawney
Attempting to foresee the future, or gather insights into future events, through various rituals and tools.

Muggle Studies Charity Burbage
The study of the daily lives of Muggles and how they cope with not being magical.

Study of Ancient Runes Bathsheda Babbling
A mostly theoretical subject that studies the ancient runic scripts of magic


■Ancient Studies
□Frog Choir
□Ghoul Studies
■Magical Theory
□Muggle Art
□Muggle Music

The Longbottoms had been sent letters from all the witches and wizards in their family, all giving them different advice on what to choose. Confused and worried, they sat reading the subject list, Neville had his tongue poking out, asking people whether they thought Arithmancy sounded more difficult than the study of Ancient Runes. Dean Thomas, who had grown up with Muggles, ended up closing his eyes and jabbing the wand at the list, then picking the subjects it landed on.

Victoria decided to do Arithmancy and Divination and as extra-curricular subjects Art and Xylomancy. The last of which was a Divination type subject using twigs to predict the future.

Elizabeth was more interested in Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures and like Victoria she chose Art and of course Alchemy, an advanced Potions course. Giselle eventually decided to go with Arithmancy and Muggle Studies and wanted to sing in the Frog Choir.

"Why is everyone choosing so many new subjects?" Ron said incredulously. "You girls do know you only have to do two, right?"

"Well, excuse us if we don't save the world in our free time. While you guys are off fighting a big three-headed dog named Fluffy, we have to deal with Lavender and Parvati spending five hours to chose what underwear goes best with their outfit." Retorted Victoria.

"Ara, please tell me you aren't thinking about doing more subjects." Ron groaned as he noticed her, with her bottomlip between her teeth making a list of favourite subjects.

"Well, actually, Jace did Magical Theory and he said it was really useful in understanding spells better."

"Really?" Hermione said immediately, quickly scribbling something else down.

"And Ancient Studies goes really well with it because it shows the path wizards have taken to evolve..." Victoria pointed out. "But Ara, if you'll do those two you'll have six extra subjects next year...four selectives and two extras."

"How are you going to manage all those?" Harry asked, looking at her sheet.

Artemis shrugged. "I'll just see where it goes. If I can't handle doing the extra subjects in my free time I can always drop them."

"I have no idea what I should chose." Sighed Harry, ticking his quill against his temple. Elizabeth, who had seen Artemis do the same thing only seconds before couldn't help noticing that she and Harry were mirroring. She beamed.

"If I were you, Harry, I wouldn't chose Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. You've never been particularly good with numbers and runes can be read in multiple ancient languages. And I don't see you as the type of person who wants to sit around and translate entire scriptures." Victoria said.

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