Chapter 2.12 (The flaming bird)

Start from the beginning

"All I saw." He said stubbornly, though he was trembling as he spoke. "Was him speaking Parseltongue and chasing the snake towards Justin."

"He didn't chase it at him!" Artemis said, her voice shaking with anger. "It didn't even touch him!"

"It was a very near miss." Said Ernie. "And in case your friend's getting ideas." He added hastily. "I might tell you that you can trace my family back through nine generations of witches and warlocks and my blood's as pure as anyone's, so..."

"I DON'T CARE WHAT SORT OF BLOOD YOU'VE GOT!" Screamed Artemis, seeing red with anger. "And neither does Harry."

"He hates the Muggles he lives with..."

"It's not possible to live with the Dursleys and not hate them." Said Artemis. "I've only met them once and I can't stand them! I'd like to see you try it." She grabbed her books and stormed out of the library.

Elizabeth called after her but Artemis was too fast and after a few minutes of running she couldn't hear Elizabeth calling for her anymore.

Artemis shouldn't have yelled at him. She never lost her temper this quickly. This was all her mother's fault. She wasn't the same since her mother left and now that she knew why...She was angry. Artemis was furious. She had taken it out on Ernie Macmillan but she shouldn't have.

She wasn't looking where she was going and stumbled over somebody, before falling to the ground.

", Harry, fancy seeing you here...on the ground..." Artemis blushed furiously because she had landed right on top of him.

"All righ' Harry, Ara?" They looked up to see Hagrid towering over them. His entire face was hidden by a woolly, snow-covered balaclava, but it couldn't possibly be anyone else, as he filled most of the corridor in his moleskin overcoat. A dead rooster hanging from one of his massive, gloved hands. "Why aren't yeh in class?"

"Canceled," Harry said. Artemis carefully got up and reached out her hand to help Harry up. "What're you doing in here?" He asked Hagrid.

Hagrid held up the limp rooster. "Second one killed this term." He explained. "It's either foxes or a Blood Suckin' Bugbear. I need the Headmaster's permission ter put a charm around the hen coop." He peered more closely at Harry and Ara. "Yeh sure yeh're all righ'? Yeh look all hot an' bothered...."

"It's nothing." They chorused. Artemis wondered why Harry looked so angry. Could he possibly have heard...oh no...he must have been in the library to look for Justin. "We'd better get going, Hagrid, it's Transfiguration next and I've got to pick up my books."

They walked away from Hagrid, waving at him.

Harry and Artemis stamped up the stairs and turned along another corridor, which was particularly dark. The torches had been extinguished by a strong, icy draft that was blowing through a loose windowpane. "Hey, Harry...ouch!" Both of them tripped headlong over something lying on the floor. Again, Artemis landed on top of Harry. "We have to stop doing this." Artemis laughed.

Harry smiled as well and they stared at each other. Artemis wasn't making any move to get off of him and Harry didn't exactly make her either. Quite the opposite, he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her. "Thanks!" He whispered in her ear.

"For what?" Artemis breathed.

"For defending me just the library. You really didn't have to..."

"Yes, I did. Harry, you've been through so much and people just can't stop trying to find some fault in you. And I can't take it because I think you're pretty perfect-" Artemis realised what she had said and immediately blushed brightly.

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