Eat What?

509 25 11

I stood up, confused was an understatement.. what was happening? Where am i- oh gog did I die!?

I panicked but yellped when I hit my head on the ceiling, what the hell? I trusted off my dress then looked around, and only now do I realize that the room was quite small... what is this place?

My eyes wandered around but stopped at a small door... that's strange... my eyes widen to see a small sugar cookies with baby blue frosting with a small note saying 'eat me'

My stomach groaned... I gulped and reached for the cookie, my movements slow and steady, I'm still really unsure about this..

I took a bite, it was good, a little powdery, it kinda left my throat dry..

My eyes widen when it began to grow... wait it's not growing... I'M SHRINKING!!! my heart lurched in fear as I became tiny.

The door, I can go through that door I saw... I walked up to it and jiggled the handle slightly.. it wouldn't buge, good thing I know how to pick locks or I'd been stuck here stuck like this.

I patted my sides, and looked into a small pocket to see if I had anything. Nope, just a pice of candy.

I put it back in my pocket, great, ok what about in my hair? I patted my head, nothing.

There must be a key somewhere... I walked around the room then saw it shine at the edge of the... table.. FUCK.

I looked around for away up their, but instead of finding a way up there is found a bottle of God knows what, that said 'Drink me' I opened it and took a sip.

The taste was weird, it tingled my mouth and the back of my throat, then it burned a little.

My eyes widen as I began to grow again, no! Not the ceiling!

A loud thumping sounded and I flinched "ow..." I uttered, as I reached for the key, trying my best to not brake the small table.

The cookie I had previously bit into was on the ground.. er, five minute rule? I shook my head and reached for the small cookie, I blew on it, and once it seemed clean enough I brought it to my lips and took a bite.

Just like before I shrunk. I held the key that was around my size. And walked for the door.

I stuck the key in the whole and sighed and attempted to try and turn it, it was harder than it looked.

The door clicked and glowed slightly before dulling, the key shrunk and I quickly grabbed it and watched as it became the size of my pinky. I removed a ribbon from my hair and tied it through the loop, then wiped the ribbon around my neck.

I might need this key later.

Wonderland (Beta And Alpha Kids X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα