Lisa Cimorelli Style

Start from the beginning

"Hello, I would like to report an attack," I said to the lady that answered.

Lisa's POV

"Where's Dani?" I said nervously and bit my nails. It's disgusting, I know. And I felt so sick for a couple of days now, gah and I don't even now what's wrong with me. It has passed one hour since Dani left, I'm getting worried and obnoxious and the cops came to collect the evidences (the knife). Since then, Christina, Big Nick and some of the family left to the hospital. It was just me, Amy, Jake, Bella and the little boys left.

30 minutes ago:

I was biting my nails and sobbed and felt sorry for myself, like always, soon someone knocked on the door. I went to the door and opened them, I saw a cop.

"Hello madam, we came because someone called us," the cop said seriously and two cops behind him.

"It's not my fault," I started getting nervous and talking, the cops were looking at me weirdly.

"You'll never get me!" I said loudly and ran out of the house, I almost fell on the stair, a couple of feet away from the cops. I tried to ran behind the house, I ran around the corner, but then I slipped. In the mud! There was a big puddle of mud, like large. The morning was pretty rainy, the cops came running after me and I freaked out.

"Nooooooo. You'll never get me!"  I yelled and tried to get out of the mud and stumbled in there, but then I stopped and then relaxed, it was kinda nice. I felt like a pig and my face was full of mud, by the way. As the three cops came running afterwards me, they stopped and I think they laughed, I couldn't see.

"Oh, just lock me up!" I said and sprawl my arms up, they were cracking up.

"Madam, we were chasing a boy named Justin, not you," the cute cop said and smiled and helped me get out of it.

"Oh," I said and laughed and felt embarrassed like never before in my life.

"But, I have a question for you," he said, I trembled.

"If it's about a purse, that is a really expensive one, I didn't steal, it started beeping in Forever 21 and..." then the cop stopped me and smiled.

"What? No, it's not about a purse, but it's about inviting you on a date. Would you go out with me, just two of us, when you're free. And now, ma'am can I have your number," he said nicely, he's cute and nice though, and manly too.

"Yes, dear sir, you can have it," I said shyly and wrote my number on a paper.

End of flashback


"Hey guys," Dani came in, looking a little bit better, but I was mad.

"Why did you do it?!" I yelled at her in rage, she flinched and looked confused.

"What?!" she yelled back, then she looked at my nails.

"What were you doing?" she asked me and laughed, Amy smirked a little bit, while sitting next to me.

"Don't you ask me about my nails right now! Why did you do it?" I went crazy on her.

"What have I even done?" She asked sassed back.

"The call," Amy coughed several times, I could make out the words and then Amy smiled to me, like going all angel.

"The call," I said slowly, pointing at Dani and grit my teeth.

"Ha he. That face of yours was just priceless, if I could only take a photo. The caaaaaaaaaaaall," Dani said and then mocked me, she made the weirdest face even, I mustn't laugh.

I'm Coming Home (Cimorelli Story) #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now