Payment #1

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Payment #1


"Urgh...tch!" A long brown haired man panted inconsistently as he held his deep wound. It dripped with dark red blood, staining the ground. His pupil-less green eyes flickered urgently around the area, trying to find anywhere to hide.


"Shit..." The injured man breathed. He felt the warm liquid of his body escape him as he trudged further, ducking and trying to get out of his pursuers' visions. He hid his presence as his view on the world dimmed.

The injured man's breath caught in his throat when he felt a shuriken fly past his cheek, drawing blood.

They're here...!

Being a ninja, the injured man ran for it. He dodged weapons as if it was a normal occurrence, going deeper into the Land of Fire's border. He was desperate to get away.


"This guard is persistent..." The green eyed man muttered incoherently. He winced when he felt a strong kick to his back, forcing him forward to grab onto a branch. He swung on it, but the loud snap make him realise that it broke upon receiving his weight. He growled lowly when he realised that they had reached a clearing, and he had nothing else to hold onto. The man skidded to a halt on the grass, mumbling a few curses when he was outnumbered and surrounded. It didn't help that he was injured either.

I've gotta get outta here...

"Kakuzu, give it up. You're outnumbered!" The guard that spoke previously, spoke again. He was the lead guard. With an accusing finger, he pointed at his victim, "Come back safely and no one gets hurt!"

Kakuzu stood there, muscles tense. He was ready to jump anytime soon.

"What's going on here?" A curious voice asked.

Their attention all turned to the woman that had entered the field. She was dressed in a light yukata and wore her brown hair into a long ponytail. She didn't seem to be too alarmed at the sight of blood, but more surprised at the number of people.

"Ah, Miss, you shouldn't be here!" One of the guards warned her, surprising drawn on his expression.

The woman's brown eyes scanned the area. She had seen many prison guards before, but not when they were cornering a person.

So he's a prisoner...she thought, staring at the brown haired man in the centre.

He looked surprised, but he was thinking of a plan to get out of the area, and the arrival of the girl was what he would call, 'gold'.

The female didn't flinch when she felt a cold, sharp metal object at her neck. She felt a slight pain when it drew blood, but not enough to warrant movement. Behind her stood the jail-breaker, Kakuzu, holding a kunai to her neck.

He got here really fast...the female thought absentmindedly.

Kakuzu's grip on her was strong; it was around her shoulders. He didn't feel any form of resistance, which confused him. But, he didn't question it. He would do it later.

"If any of you move...I will kill her!" Kakuzu threatened.

The guards tensed and they let out a low growl, despising his way of taking a hostage.

"Lowly scum...!" One of them muttered.

"STAND DOWN!" The head guard raised his arm to the side, signalling his subordinates to stop.

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