"CHLOE" attached was all of JJ's books, his cell phone, the notebook where he kept all of his writings.....and a ring.

Chloe picked up her letter and started to read.

"Dear Doll,
I know you hate surprises. And I'm sorry that this came so abruptly. The books attached are of course all for you, and Looking For Alaska is in there (the first book you ever bought me). The notebook has all of my writings in it and you don't have to read them if you don't want. I had hoped maybe you'd started up writing again in the past two years we hadn't seen each other, because your writings are amazing. My phone is for you to go through as you please, I kept every picture of us by the way. Oh and the ring. That ring was given to me when I was 13 by my Nanny (grandma, yeah I know you call the name dumb) who said to give it to the girl I knew I loved. Well it's yours. Because I love you Chloe Cage. Ever sense I met you. I hope it fits.-----"

The note continued on and on and filled almost two pages of paper. JJ instructed that this letter only be for her eyes. She sat on the floor, the very spot where they found JJ's lifeless body a couple of ours ago, reading the many words that filled his final letter. Finally she reached the final words.

"---- Please forgive me for leaving.

- Love, YOUR Julian" Chloe closed the note and laid down with her cheek pressed against the floor. She started to cry and envision JJ laying right next to her and smiling.

"Aw cmon doll. You know I hate it when you cry. You don't want to see me cry, I'm an ugly crier. Hell I'm ugly even when I don't cry."

"You left....why...." Then the vision of JJ pushed a finger against her lips to quiet her.

"Shhhhhh doll" JJ leaned in to kiss her forehead and just like the real JJ Walker, the vision was gone. Chloe wiped her face yet again and stood up off of the floor. She circled the room over and over hoping for one last message, hoping that he wasn't really gone for good. But sadly enough, the truth hurt more than ever, and the truth was JJ was never coming back. He had ran away one last time.....forever. Chloe's mind raced with all the thoughts and memories of JJ flooding in at once. The good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the forgettable, and unforgettable. One memory came to her mind of a conversation they had one late night, and like it was that night all over agin Chloe saw the memory play out in front of her.

"Are you scared of dying Julian?"

"Ha no."

"Mhm sure. Everyone's scared of dying dummy, even if they don't say it."

"Well not me. But I am scared of one thing."


"Dying without a purpose. Like no matter how long my life had been, whether it be 17 years long or 97, that it had been all worth nothing because there was no purpose to it and left no effect on anyone in the whole entire world. I don't just want to fade away, I want to shine even after death. Like the stars at night we talked about."

"Hm. You'll find a purpose"

"I sure hope so"

Present day

"What was your purpose Julian....." Chloe still had an innumerable amount of unanswered questions in her mind that she feared would never be answered, and for that she hated JJ, yet she missed more than ever. She missed him more than she did those two years he left because deep down she knew at if she wanted to she could always find him, but now it was different. She knew exactly where he was but there was no way she could bring him back. In the middle of thought the rest of the group walked in on Chloe. Wyatt's face was red, as he clearly had let go and released all of the tears built up in him for his best friend. Blaine walked in with one arm around Alexia as she was almost too weak to even walk. Blaine was still mumbling to himself about the whole situation, just in pure shock of the events that unfolded before him. Chloe pointed to the bed.

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