Chapter 49

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Before I start this new chapter I'm just letting y'all know that I'm currently grounded and got my phone taken away bc I got in another fight butttt my best friend is letting me use his old iPhone and my mom doesn't know so shhh Lol. Just be aware of late posts. Love y'all.


"I couldn'"

"Dad... I don't think this is the best time to talk about this."

His eyes followed mine to everyone Staring through the glass door. He walked out to everyone. I didn't get a clear listen to what he was saying but I then saw people Start leaving and some coming to say bye.

Once they we're all cleared out Justin came back to me and Noah and Ashley sat on the couch being nosey.

"You didn't have to kill the party."
"I need to know what happened Sadie."

".......Ok. You we're drunk. Really drunk. Yes you said you'd stay clean since the first incident but you're still hurt because of Kate. I came down to get you to stop but that's when this happened."

"Oh my g-...."

"Dad. I-i didn't wanna tell you because I knew it wasn't you. You'd never do this if you we're sober. It wasn't your fault."

"But it was. I shouldn't have drowned my dumbass feelings in alcohol. And n-now I hurt my princess. Again."

"I'm fine though dad. I don't blame you. I don't wanna blame you. And you shouldn't hate yourself."

"You sure you're okay?"


"Oh thank God"

He hugged me nearly squeezing my lungs out.

I was walking with Noah Down the beach he's considering this a first date because we just had lunch together.


I learned from Justin that it's okay to answer a few questions sometimes because not all of them are out to get you.

We slowed our walking a bit but not completely stopping.

"Sadie do you have anything to say to your fans?!"

"Um you're all amazing and I love you guys so so much"

"What do you think about the hashtag that was on instagram about 13 year old and makeup."

"I mean I don't think they mean anything harmful by it. I don't think age should really matter in that type of area because you never know, that kid may want to be a make up artist or whatever."

"What about Bieber?! How is it living with someone who just uses you to get more attention."

I was about to answer as I felt my blood start to boil but Noah cut me off

"Dont you think he has enough attention? He's one of the most famous pop stars world wide only in his early 20s. Now before you start judging him and thinking he's an attention seeking asshole why don't you guys sit with him and actually figure him out instead of feeding your bullshit to his daughter who has her own career to deal with?"

I saw Noah start getting in the guys face so I grabbed his hand and tugged him. He backed up and we started walking again.

We got in his car. And sat there for a little.

"Thank you Noah."

"No problem. Thats what you do for people you love"

"You love me."

Adopted By Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now