Chapter 2: I Have Vampiric Tendencies and Lucid Dreams Are Hella Creepy

Start from the beginning

I exclaimed, jumping to my feet.

"Ok, be safe."

Shark called absentmindedly.

I headed to the door, strapped on my boots, and hurried outside. I jogged to the site where I'd found Distance being attacked, and continued on my way out of the alley when I saw that the unconscious kids had left. As I walked across the Albertson's parking lot, I smiled, knowing that my victims weren't too badly injured and that Distance was fine as well.

It took me about five minutes to go in, get eggs, fruit and milk, pay for it all, and start the journey home.

I continued on my way towards the alley to skip past the construction again and paused when I saw the same group of people who'd been beating up Distance earlier today. However, this time they were not in the alley, and were throwing a pair of middle-school girls around as passersby didn't bat an eye. They didn't see me at the moment.

What is this, some sort of anime plot?

The group was chanting insulting slurs at tge

I slowly laid my groceries down and let out a sigh of annoyance while deciding what to do. After a moment, I just decided to whisper. I'd stalk right up behind them and whisper in the biggest guy's ear.

Yet after comparing my 5'3" height to his 6-foot-something height, I decided it would be more logical just to shout because I had no hope of reaching his ear unless I revealed my wings. That would be stupid since they'd know I was part Faerie.

Unlike fairy tale illustrations and princess stories, Faeries are actually the same size as humans with bird wings, not thin gossamer wings.

Anyways, I shouted,


The group stiffened in unison and turned to see me.


A guy with pink hair cried, ready to run away.

However, the brunet leader guy narrowed his eyes.

"I'm having my doubts about you being fully human now, shrimp. I've never seen a human move so fast."

He growled.

"I'm half Dreamwalker but I don't have purple eyes. I just have the ability to control fire and the mobility of a Dreamwalker."

I lied. I didn't even know how the hell to use any of my own abilities, let alone elemental ones.

"Then fight me and we'll see how well you fight when you don't have the element of surprise."

He sneered.

I narrowed my eyes and groaned,

"This is a pain in the ass. I've got places to go, unlike you."

His eyes sparked with annoyance and he prepared to throw a punch at me from a running start.

The moment I sensed his weight shifting, indicating that he was going to break into a run, I calculated his route from his gaze and his body language. The way he was running would make it seem like he was coming from the front, but his eyes betrayed that he was going to feint to my left and break my ribs with his fist.

I waited until he started to turn, then I sidestepped to the left to stop directly in front of him with a withering glare. To me, he seemed to move in slow motion, as all humans were slower than the other races when they fought. I smiled at the surprise on his face when I moved to block his path and felt a quick rush of adrenaline. It must've been unsettling, seeing your enemy smiling at you as calmly as if they were chatting with you.

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