Chapter 2: I Have Vampiric Tendencies and Lucid Dreams Are Hella Creepy

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I sat in the shower, hugging what used to be my knees against my chest.

Unfortunately, being in the shower made me become a Siren. So, that explains why I am sitting in the shower, hugging where my tail bent, letting the water wash over me.

I closed my eyes with a sigh of contentment. I wished there was someplace where I could comfortably become a Siren and just spend hours underwater.

I'd finished washing my hair and body, and I now reached up to turn off the water. My hand rested on the tap a moment longer once I'd turned off the water.

Shifting my body and trying not to let my six-foot-long tail drip water on the floor, I grabbed the towel folded on the floor and wrapped it around my shoulders. I began drying my hair, maneuvering around the finlike ears I developed in water, then dried my body off.

Once I was completely dry, the sail-like fins on the tip of my tail shrivelled up and vanished, then the tail split down the middle and became my legs. The scales were the last things to go.

I shakily got up on my newly-reformed legs, stepping out of the tub. I wiped up the water I'd accidentally left on the floor before changing into the clean clothes and staring at my reflection.

I hastily brushed my black hair, making sure my bangs fell over my Aberrant eye. As I did so, I recalled the eyepatch in the drawer to my right that I rarely used.

I'd usually managed to hide my eye in public very well, but I typically wore the eyepatch in addition to my bangs if I didn't feel like the bangs would be enough.

I headed downstairs to where Distance and Shark sat on the couch watching some low-budget film involving sharks, severe weather and a big city. I glanced at the tv just as some protagonist chopped a flying shark open with a chainsaw.

"Interesting show?"

I asked.

Distance shrugged and muttered,

"Pretty low budget. It's shit but I can't stop watching it. It's like a car wreck."

I agreed, but it was still a pretty funny movie for all its flaws.

Distance glanced at me and said,

"I was tempted to look through your sketchbook, but mom said I should ask. So can I look?"

I bent down, grabbing my sketchbook from where it lay on the floor, and shrugged. I handed it to him at that moment.

"Sure. I'm glad you asked me first though."


I sat beside him, resting my feet on the coffee table, and watched the incredibly cheesy movie. I heard papers rustling against each other as Distance flipped through my art. Shark watched over his shoulder with curiosity written in her eyes.

After a while, Distance handed the book back to me and murmured,

"You're really good. You should get yourself a career in art someday."

"You think so? Thanks! There's a lot of stuff I wanna do..."

I responded awkwardly.

I didn't think it was all that great compared to some other artists' work I'd seen on the Internet. Well, whatever. If someone liked my art, that was good enough for me.

I was about to thank Distance again, but I remembered the groceries and glanced at Shark with wide eyes.

"Damn! I forgot the groceries! I'll go right now!"

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