"Hello, Beautiful."

She shyly smiled, speaking a quiet "good morning".

I crawled onto the end of the bed, Bo taking her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Is that my tea?" I asked amused, raising my eyebrows.

"It's mine now."

I loved it when she was playful with me. A smirk broke over my face, taking the mug from her grasp, placing it to the bedside table once more. Her innocence shining through as I watched her eyes widen. My hands gripped her ankles and in one swift movement I yanked her down to lie flat on her back beneath me. I smiled down at her, touch running over her body through one of my t shirts she wore.

"Well, you're mine." I whispered.


Jess' POV

"Do you think he'll come?" I asked anxiously to my mum.

"Course he will." My mum smiled reassuringly, but I could tell she was as nervous as I was. "He might be a bit late though."

We laughed, Harry had never really been one to keep on top of time. I twiddled my straw round, watching the bubbles float to the top as we conversed together. My mum and I had grown closer with my little brother's devastating departure. The thought of losing another member of the family was completely indescribable. To be on your own...my baby brother on his own.

"Do you think we'll recognise him?" I asked.

I hoped his hair hadn't changed; his curls and dimples something of a signature look, along with his cheeky smile. When my mum didn't reply I looked up at her. But her focus was now on the door, mouth slightly agape before she covered it with her hand. I turned on my stool to see a tall guy, dark curls flopping over his forehead before he pushed them back. His green eyes scanned the area, his mouth forming into a cheeky grin as he spotted us. I couldn't move from my position and neither could my mum. I might have fallen to the floor if I attempted to stand.

He made his way over to us, denim shirt buttoned up to the top, white converse. Our heads tilted up as he came to stand in front of the stools we were sat on. He looked so much older, taller. My eyes furiously absorbed his face. His jaw was more defined, smooth skin displaying a hint of stubble. Harry's hair was longer, still holding curls but not the tight ringlets he displayed in his younger years. But it was his eyes that caught my attention. A deeper shade of green..darker.

My mum was up first, wrapping her arms tightly round his waist, burying her face into his side. He held her closely to his body. Harry smiled, looking to me as he raised his other arm, offering me a hug. I jumped up, quickly accepting the offer. I rested my head on his hard chest, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Harry." I cried softly.

My mum was still clinging to him as I drew back, peering up to his face. I couldn't believe it was really him. After all this time, we never thought we'd see him again.

"You're so tall." I commented.

"Either that or you've both got shorter." Harry playfully retaliated.

"Your voice is deeper."

"You told me that on the phone." He laughed.

I couldn't help but smile upon hearing his laughter again. My gaze wandered over him, hands reaching out to his free arm. I felt my mouth drop open slightly as I squeezed his bicep.

"Holy shit, your muscles are massive." I gushed in disbelief.

I still couldn't shake the thought of him being an awkward sixteen year old teenager. His body had lost all the puppy fat he once carried. His muscles growing and defining.

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